A preying mantis came into mind as well.
I'm with Fang on this one. While such fantastical tales are all well and good, I'm curious if you realise you're currently on this pretty little blob we like to call Earth Lol. I like to engage in some digging at times, but ultimately the info for me is transient and does not in anyway promote growth of consciousness in this mode of existence.
Edit: Just picked up the emergence of a second Ego construct/personality complex forming. Keep that in check A1 and reconcile your two selves.
I'm with Fang on this one. While such fantastical tales are all well and good, I'm curious if you realise you're currently on this pretty little blob we like to call Earth Lol. I like to engage in some digging at times, but ultimately the info for me is transient and does not in anyway promote growth of consciousness in this mode of existence.
Edit: Just picked up the emergence of a second Ego construct/personality complex forming. Keep that in check A1 and reconcile your two selves.