(02-02-2014, 05:14 PM)rie Wrote: Awesome story thank you for sharing! ' i meditated like a professional buddha' lol loved that!
What do you think happened with the bad trip? Did the Ra material & mj combo bring4th something in your unconscious mind that needs balancing?
I looked up to the clock on my computer and it said 11:11 as I was typing this message.
you're welcome!

i suspect the bad trip would have happened w/o the mj. the Ra material = powerful stuff. the mj probably just made it worse...
my syncs began with 11:11...i thought i was the only person in the world being attacked by the #. googled it one day (the best day of my life) & was so relieved to see countless others were reporting the same phenomenon. i very rarely catch 11:11 anymore...happens next to never.
what i get now is way worse.. i mean better. so many times, right when i look, the # (on digital clocks, of course) changes right when my eyes hit it. it just happened this morning right after waking up...the 1st time i checked the time...believe it was 5 into 6 that i saw. i should probably record exactly how many times it's happening every day (& the #s) but what can i say i'm lazy. i also happen to catch the time at the top of the hour too much for comfort...i blog about it every now & then... http://bring4th.org/members.php?uid=4765&catid=0
a few others i kno have told me they get the whole number changing right when they look thing. hoping every1 that gets syncs starts getting this happening to them too.