(05-11-2010, 10:57 PM)JoshC Wrote: I kind of disagree/don't fully agree here. While humans can be far more dangerous than dogs, I don't think humans are far more dangerous because they have much more developed mental capacities. If you get in-between two dogs who are single-mindedly going at it, it's almost certain that they're going to reject your infringement on free will (bite you) (lol). Humans, on the other hand, have the ability to stop and think, "hey wait I don't have to do that..." or what have you.
Peace, Love, Light and Namasté
When Tom was a child he lived in the woods and never had other children as friends to play with. Tom's friends were the animals and talking to animals came natural to him. That is how Tom knows dogs can stop and think just like humans.
It was the VIBRATION in our voice that stopped the fight. Never mind the shocking stares I was subjected to from all the neighbors who were quite dumfounded at my ability to break up a BLOODY fight with just my voice.
I did not just talk to the dogs. The dogs talked to me. One of my dogs was one of my greatest teachers. I served her selflessly for 11 years. I got here when I was 23 years old. She taught me the reality of conscious interspecies communication. Prior to her it had always been instinctual. Through her I learned the depth of intelligence they possess.
We were as ONE person her and I. Inseparable we were and went everywhere together. With her I could leave the windows down in the vehicle and never worry about her while I did what I had to do even if it took hours. The biggest problem I had was if a stranger tried to get within three feet of me they would get bitten. She bit at least 10 people over all those years. 11 if you count me, but it was my fault for acting like one of the dogs down on all ours while my Mom was feeding treats. It took hours to stop bleeding. I had puncture holes on both sides of my nose. No I did not hit her back, nor did I even yell at her.
I gave her the silent treatment.
She freaked out when she realized she had bit me, but what I can never forget was how she apologized. That dog was more hurt than I was.
She was not a normal average dog though. Super intelligent predominant black lab mixed breed. Very rare. My best friend told me as far as he was concerned she was possessed. She was something. Canines are what I like to call Land Dolphins.
It is a humans mental capacities which makes them potentially more dangerous, but not because they are more developed. In some ways humans are actually less developed than canines and other animals as well. Most people would not give serious thought to the idea that a swarm of water gnats could have a conversation with a human much less have knowledge of the atomic structure, but I do.
The truth is humans are the most dangerous animal of all due to their lack of mental development, or perhaps spiritual development.
Then again when you think about it is there really a difference between the two? Perhaps it is like two sides of the same coin.