01-24-2014, 10:29 AM
Quote:The negative-entity in its polarity, in order to go onto 7th-density, must completely hate its entire oversoul and every experience that it could theoretically have. There is a reason why this has never been done in this octave so far.Nah. Sorry man but that ain't quite true. There are other more immediate limits to consider for the reason why it can't be done. You don't polarize neg by hating things. Hate of higher self does equal hate of self to a degree too, and STS does mean "service to self".
Internalized seeking can only go so far, no matter how complex or developed a component (or individual) is it is only a component of a whole system which allows to it to exist and perform it's function. To get to 7th density you basically have to widen the radius of what defines you (imagine concentric circles, each circle representing a higher "whole" and all the parts/circles in it that makes it what it is) to everything. What that means is to "become everything" you have to dissolve all those defining thresholds and become one with the ultimate absolute circle/whole, that can't happen if you are stuck in the idea of an individual, of a self to be served., as such a distinction separates you from all that is. Self is a microcosmic awareness, there has to be a certain blending with other selves to approach macrocosmic awareness. You can't just jump from STS to 7th density.
Edit: attempting clarity