01-20-2014, 06:50 AM
Quote:Oh I understand that but you should work on your joke delivery.
I'm working on a rather large project called "fractus imaginary risus defamatory" the most hilarious unsolicited thesis on humour ever written. it like all of my other other theories is worked on by myself alone so sometimes my delivery and thought constructs are heavily dissimilar to those I interact with, so yeah I do have to work on the delivery you ain't wrong. Those who do "get it" however have told me I'm a genius in the art of inducing giggles. Not to suggest that those who don't are somehow inferior it's just a refined taste.
This is actually making me realize I'm in way too deep with my own musing lol
Tanner our disagreement seems to be a little to subtle and a bit off the point to pursue here perhaps another time in private.