01-10-2014, 10:59 AM
There's a Q'uo session that sort-of addresses this that I wanted to post and expound upon, here is the link:
Where Q'uo talks about how as we polarize further, our point of balance shifts, so that it is designed that we are constantly in flux and adjusting to a new center as a means of growing.
I also found this one when I was looking for the above, it seemed fitting too:
So is the answer faith? Is the answer that we're not supposed to be happy, as STO beings?
I think as with everything else that causes distress, we are supposed to teach ourselves to love it. So we must love our sadness, our melancholy, our broken times; to make friends with them, and then it won't seem such a lonely place.
Where Q'uo talks about how as we polarize further, our point of balance shifts, so that it is designed that we are constantly in flux and adjusting to a new center as a means of growing.
Quote:There are also those times when within the self there is the inner hollowing with inner stagnation or distress, the feeling of being stuck, this having not to do with circumstance or any outer manifestation. These are seasons of the soul and although they seem difficult and endless, they are extremely productive or potentially so. During these times, there is no true sense of balance, for the simple reason that the inner balance point, after a great deal of catalyst has been processed, is changing.
Often it puzzles those who experience these seasons of desert within, for the outer planes are halcyon and lovely, yet within all is certainly an arid waste. The negative reaction to this is often not true fear but rather a cold and (inaudible) discomfort, a feeling that one is truly unworthy, thirsty and unfed, in the spiritual sense. Again, it is well to make a friend of this discomfort, even to allow some focus upon the discomfort, a writing in a journal, or telling to oneself of just how this feels, for by doing so, by being attentive to these feelings of discomfort within, one helps one’s own process of recentering according to one’s emerging character.
We are attempting to give this instrument a vision of how the incarnational experience compact more and more beingness into the sphere of being so that the balance point does shift as entities become more polarized. We can only go so far with this imagery, and apologize for the limitations of this form of communication, but if you will picture a ball or field of energy in which there are shells of more and less density, and then see that this sphere has its cross-hatchings of energy and focuses of energy where lines cross, one may see that the learning that is done in an incarnation may compact one set of nodes of experience-gathering or another at different times, putting those portions under more pressure, and thus changing to some extent the way the sphere gets balanced.
The hope of entities who attempt to accelerate the rate of their evolution in spirit is to so live that the maximum amount of pressure is exerted upon the orb of self so that more and more and more of love may flow into or within the sphere or field of that which is your unique spiritual entity. Were you upon the path of service to self it would be important to study how to manipulate experience so that the balance point was not moved, but rather all energy would go to the perfection, or sheen, and the regularity of the sphere of being, these being attractant qualities. Because we speak to those upon the path of service to others, however, we assure each that it is not the point to attempt to look graceful or to seem centered, rather, dealing with times of feeling off-center or unbalanced the point is to make friends with this situation and involve the self in accepting and assimilating the growth, not with an eye to appearances but solely with the goal of so accepting and loving this discomfort of self that the stage is set for the process continuing.
I also found this one when I was looking for the above, it seemed fitting too:
Quote:This process of unknowing, of forgetting, is something that those experiencing the full Self gaze at as thought it were a summer camp full of the most enjoyable and interesting activities, for when you are your greater Self and not within one or another incarnation you become aware of all of those little strings and tatters, little imperfections, little places of weakness that you perceive in the fabric of your very vibration, and you look at those things upon which you yearn to make progress. And you are aware that the fastest, most efficient place for sharpening and honing those skills of discipline of the personality are found in the deep illusion of third-density incarnation. This is in addition to the desire to serve that has brought each of you to this planet at this time. You also wished to aid your own progress upon your spiritual path, and this your Earth world is by far the most skilled teacher. And if each student can find the way towards her own center this experience shall indeed yield for you all that you hope.
For the most part, this illusion works upon you not in spite of the veiling process but because of it. It works because it throws you continually into confusion. It works because it causes you continual frustration. It works because it knocks you from your center and sends you spinning. You, as a higher self, wanted this spinning, wanted the frustrations, wanted this aggravation of not knowing. Why? Because only in the ignorance of unknowing can a person choose to operate solely by faith. All the wisdom that the mind seeks pales before the wisdom of simple faith. All the ways of gaining what you have called control, good as they might be, pale before the efficiency and efficacy of the employment of faith.
So is the answer faith? Is the answer that we're not supposed to be happy, as STO beings?
I think as with everything else that causes distress, we are supposed to teach ourselves to love it. So we must love our sadness, our melancholy, our broken times; to make friends with them, and then it won't seem such a lonely place.