01-07-2014, 12:37 AM
Quote:Scholarship is for slavers and slaves.I personally prefer the term "gentleman" *puffs pipe*. "Scholar" originally meant "a man of leisure" with which he could pursue that which he desired, quite often by attempting to understand the world that they inhabited. To freely pursue what one desires due to the leisure available hardly seems constricting or worthy of "slave" status.
Those who "warp, twist..." the words of a text will likely warp and twist it's intended meaning lol and thus be examining a product more of their own creation which of course would be more satisfying to the individual as it would fulfill their biases to a greater extent but learning would be slowed. And when we learn of that which is shared and not just particular to us and our biases we can help others learn.
But yeah I'm just gonna say that "The Ra Material is the most powerful literature in existence." is an assertion bound by many chains.