12-25-2013, 05:11 AM
This is good stuff, but I see that it has not been mentioned (likely because it is from the Silmarillion) but Sauron is actually a being that is the same as Gandalf, but he was twisted by the dark higher being Morlock. What is interesting about Morgoth is that he isn't really evil in the eyes of the LOTR Creator Eru. At the beginning of time all of the Creator Gods were together and Eru with their help composing the music of the cosmos which would tell the story of all creation. The gods all worked together to create it, but the dark one Morgoth tried to change and ruin the composition by adding dissonant melodies, but this just made the creation more unique and beautiful. Regardless of the dissonance that Morgoth added, it just became part of the total piece.
Once the gods had finished composing the song which was existence, Eru gave the gods a gift and gave them a chance to experience the creation that they helped created first-hand. What Eru didn't tell them was that they would all have to start right at the very beginning of creation and play out the roles of their melodies. Thus the tales began.
This is really interesting because it basically expresses that everything that was made in the image of the song of the Ainur, the universe, contains some of Melkor/Morgoth's "corrupting" influence. However, this is also interesting because Melkor was not originally a dark being but was one of the most powerful Ainur.
Now what I am trying to figure out is what lead Melkor to turn to darkness... as far as I know it was envy towards Eru because Eru was capable of breathing true life in to things, he was not capable of actual creation, only manipulating things that had already been created, or creating mockeries and images.
This seems to have some really strong gnostic parallels, actually, with the Hypostasis of the Archons and stuff. Maybe that's why that one cab driver said LOTR is actually pretty much a documentary...
Once the gods had finished composing the song which was existence, Eru gave the gods a gift and gave them a chance to experience the creation that they helped created first-hand. What Eru didn't tell them was that they would all have to start right at the very beginning of creation and play out the roles of their melodies. Thus the tales began.
This is really interesting because it basically expresses that everything that was made in the image of the song of the Ainur, the universe, contains some of Melkor/Morgoth's "corrupting" influence. However, this is also interesting because Melkor was not originally a dark being but was one of the most powerful Ainur.
Now what I am trying to figure out is what lead Melkor to turn to darkness... as far as I know it was envy towards Eru because Eru was capable of breathing true life in to things, he was not capable of actual creation, only manipulating things that had already been created, or creating mockeries and images.
This seems to have some really strong gnostic parallels, actually, with the Hypostasis of the Archons and stuff. Maybe that's why that one cab driver said LOTR is actually pretty much a documentary...