12-16-2013, 02:50 AM
(12-13-2013, 06:48 PM)Parsons Wrote:truesimultaneity Wrote:"To start with, anything that can be expressed with words." what does that mean anyway? is it a confusing way of saying 'all is illusion'?
What I think that means (correct me if I'm misinterpreting) is anything that is entirely outside this illusion, we have no frame of reference for, so it becomes ineffable.
We can't describe a thing as it actually exists (which it naturally does), but only as our limited, distorted experimental abstraction provides. That abstraction is largely based on the 'planetary mind'. And that planetary mind, developmentally, does not allow anything remotely close to a noumenal awareness about things.
Even when people intersubjectively share their pure thoughts of something, it's merely a less distorted view of the same illusion (than that which could be shared using words). If you're not consciously participating in a co-creation with an object of experience then how can its intrinsic nature ever be revealed?