12-12-2013, 06:48 AM
Have yet to meet someone with whom I can be completely honest. However, the interactions with the people I encounter have become much more enjoyable, as I feel they just want to talk to someone who listens. It used to feel like a burden when someone opened up during a conversation because I thought they were expecting all kinds of advice, but now I feel honored when someone feels comfortable enough to share their thoughts/feelings. And I've found that if they truly seek advice they'll ask for it. My new neighbor is a great guy with marital problems, we talk about it quite a bit. For me it very healing to hear how he strives to keep in touch with his daughters without 'using' them as a 'tool' to get back at his wife. As it is something I've experienced during the divorce of my parents. I don't think I've been able to interpret conversations as such before, but I quite like it.