(12-10-2013, 01:44 AM)vervex Wrote: Reading the latest answers to Adonai's post, I've caught myself smiling widely. I am very pleased, even thrilled, by the quality of the advice and help which has been shared. It's so beautiful and grand I find myself compelled to write about a catalyst I am personally facing, hoping that perhaps one of you dear friends will be able to see in this tale something I did not and maybe, just maybe, hint me in the right direction.
So here I go, exposing a bit of myself publicly, a rare occurrence! Since over 2 months, I started noticing a pressure on my back, precisely around the left shoulder blade area, roughly where the heart is. This pressure feels like an astoundingly clear physical touch and I found myself reaching for it several times (I actually still do sometimes), finding nothing physical to account for. It occurred for the first time while I was traveling and when I met Adonai face to face, ah! At first I shrugged it off but, when I realized it wasn't going away, I started worrying a bit. To this day, it still happens every day, several times a day. I remember, when I first started experiencing the sensation, feeling a strong intuition that something which did not belong there dwelled in that area of my body. I meditated on it several times, felt the tingly pressure spreading from the left side of my back to my right during such instances. But no matter how much I meditated, I could never pinpoint the exact cause of the problem. After initially trying to remove it and after experiencing states of emotional veiling (emotions have always been part of my guidance system, so not feeling them threw me a couple of times into momentary inner turmoil), I decided that even though I could seemingly not verify its origin or its function, whether it is truly external or internal, I would treat it with love and acceptance. Every time I feel it, I take the opportunity to send it love/light, whatever it is, and extend that light to all around me, seen and unseen. Since I have started that process, I haven't experienced the strange emotional veiling and I find myself more at peace as well.
This catalyst has been of service even if it brought me much angst initially. I am still curious about any insight you guys might have on this topic. I would like to understand more about this phenomenon in order to treat it more, ah, wisely, assuming such thing is possible and/or offered. In the mean time, I will keep sending love and light to it and wait to be guided towards a solution.
Thank you to all who will read this. I appreciate your support, expressed and silent.
Several thoughts:
1) I've experienced energy in those areas generally, but perhaps not in the manner you describe. I personally have experienced sub-heart chakras in the left and right portions of my chest, each with a front and back.
2) I've experienced energy in other areas in the manner you describe, and sometimes thought that it may be an entity.
3) The only time I'm sure I energetically sensed a non-positive entity was in a jail cell (visiting a client); I smelled a strong odor that made me want to vomit; my interpreter nor my client smelled anything; my solar plexus was in overdrive as electricity pumped through it (it felt like it was repelling the entity). I suppose a second time was when Pickle did an energetic cleaning in his early days prior to him removing minor astrals and with the increased sensitivity from his balancing I felt nauseous. He informed me that this was likely a minor astral parasite and that he would remove it. So I guess nausea is usually how I perceive them.
4) I never fully figured out if the lingering sensation I used to feel and still occasionally feel is an entity. I've asked my guidance system and they haven't really pointed anything out. The few times they have pointed out entities through dreams, it was not related to these energy sensations.
5) I'm fairly sure my unfamiliar energetic sensations were probably energy centers opening and flowing more powerfully for the first time and/or getting universal energy from astrological configurations and/or getting energy from guides or other people sending it my way. The lingering energy sensation in the rear top of my head I found out later to be the bindu chakra; the lingering energy sensation at the back of my neck seems to be another chakra related to the throat.
6) I don't experience much overt negative contact, but I do notice what I would characterize as inserted thoughts. I have definitely noticed inserted paranoid thoughts about energy sensations I've felt. (As well as paranoid, fearful, un-accepting inserted thoughts about other things - this is the MO of negative contact I get mostly).
7) Acceptance of all things, but in this case the energetic phenomenon and showering any entities that may or may not be there with love has reduced these worried thoughts about lingering energy sensations (or any other negative contact). You seem to be already doing this.
8) If I had to put my money on things, I'd bet it's new sensations you're feeling in your green ray and sub-green ray centers from being around Manny. All in all, a good thing I'd say