12-07-2013, 11:11 AM
Quote:I am just putting this out in the public sphere to make sure I am noticed by those willing to help, entities in the inner planes and those of the confederation.
Quote:I am not sure if I can be heard mentally by anything other than what aggresses against me constantly. Every night I am surrounded by shadows with a constant head pain. I am told pure manipulative lies when I try to receive guidance. When I try to heal myself spiritually in meditation my body goes absolutely cold and I can feel pain in my stomach.
Who is your "guidance"?
Have you made any drastic changes to your lifestyle since becoming more "spiritual"?
It's very interesting you say this
Quote:I assure you I am mentally sound
And follow that with this:
Quote:All of creation shall hear the call of this post.
Also, I'm not sure where people got the idea but meditation is not always helpful if existing pathological thought tendencies are not dealt with, kinda lets them fester if anything. This sounds like classic notion related overcharge to me, first of all you must realize that these are your notions, take responsibility for them and learn a life lesson about yourself.
It's not a matter of simply "accepting" darkness within (as in hollowly saying "I accept all things"), you must respect, understand and love it (yourself) if you want these shadows to disappear.
Now when I say love the darkness I don't mean saying "I accept whatever these evil beings want to do to me as perfection", no no not at all. You must own it to restitch the self back together seamlessly.
These shadows cannot hurt you, they exist as the byproduct of your light. A visual manifestation/hallucination indicates a severe unconscious reaction to something unintegrated in your pool of experience. This is not cosmic advice, these actions are steps toward consolidating the self so you can take a steady step forward, classic psychic equilibrium business.
A trip to the doc may provide you with some help that we cannot provide.
You may even find that some physical focus might be just what you need.
[In the event if this being an unlikely worst case scenario]
Now, if this continues you may have deal with things you cannot be prepared for, in such events I can offer no advice other than in reflection it will be beneficial to be honest with yourself, brutally honest.
Some psyches simply must be split open for the shaman self to fall into, I hope this is not the case.