(11-30-2013, 07:39 PM)Jeremy Wrote: Maybe I'm misinterpreting what you're saying so apologies if so but Bat is referring to 3rd density and the fantastical beliefs of some that we will be saved from this negative oriented illuminati or reptilian race. Such effort in 4th density may surely be what's needed but that isn't what 3rd density is for. It's simply to choose between the paths. Some may see such disclosure as a service but it's not when the masses haven't asked for it therefore it's an infringement.
I agree with your post. Since part of the choice is service in action, I was making the connection that fourth density is something that we actively create, which is why no one is coming to save us.
(11-30-2013, 08:02 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: Thanks Icaro for those quotes. And then I realize I desire the help of 4th density beings. Being here is hard, and I could use their help. It is their desire to serve, and I eagerly await this. I am in no position to really be much help to others. I'm mixed up on what my purpose is. The veil seems much thicker for me than for others. I'm feeling sort of lost, and tired. But I am positive. I have that going for me.
Being here is pretty difficult sometimes. I also feel pretty lost and confused at times. All you can ever do is what you feel capable of. We have each other and can help each other.