12-01-2013, 07:33 AM
All probabilities and possible outcomes are actualized anyway and are just as real as our current lives. As for some kind of an event it is entirely possible and considering every thought you have is actualized aswell. I guess it comes down to probability, faith, will and desire. I dont think there will be some crazy event per say but I do think certain events are entirely possible and could take place within our lifetimes. If we dismiss them the the probability would decrease. Allow magical things to happen in your life by just being and accept anything and everything could happen.
Iv Iv recently read the seth material which is pretty awesome. As for time and the now seth explains it so simply... it's not that events happen one at a time we just percieve them one at a time.
Iv Iv recently read the seth material which is pretty awesome. As for time and the now seth explains it so simply... it's not that events happen one at a time we just percieve them one at a time.