@ Ashim: We're surrounded by an astronomical amount of comets and rocks that could hit us. The risk is always there yet we do not tremble in fear of earth's destruction. I'm more concerned about those fear-mongers who believe Nibiru will shift (sorry not destroy… edited) the pole and that most will die. Then they try to sell the benefits of these destruction-scenerio by spinning the story in a positive way (e.g., at least those who survive will be able to begin again from scratch). Dunno if they get kick-backs for helping the survivalist industry. So even if comets and whatnot hit earth or other planets, I don't believe that fear still plays out in our unconscious. Rather, it's part of some people's fear-based worldview.
My favorite astrology talks about temporary effects of ISON as it makes 'contact' with astrological planets like Mercury, Venus, Saturn, etc.,. Because comets move fast the effects are temporary/momentary.
Another interesting one.
@zenmaster lol yes Elenin and ISON were both Nibiru. Hopium.
My favorite astrology talks about temporary effects of ISON as it makes 'contact' with astrological planets like Mercury, Venus, Saturn, etc.,. Because comets move fast the effects are temporary/momentary.
Another interesting one.
@zenmaster lol yes Elenin and ISON were both Nibiru. Hopium.