No you actually become yourself truly, for the attainment of the seventh density is the entity which knows itself and becomes the mind/body/spirit totality. This first excerpt is the closest possible answer which I have perceived to answer your concerns.
Q'uo Sunday Meditation July 1, 1990
Q'uo Saturday Meditation May 24, 2008
There is always progression because infinity expands infinitly always. Thus do not fear because creations never end, the infinite one creator is endless, and you are that being. We are all that being for it is all that there is.
Q'uo Sunday Meditation April 16, 2000
Ra The Law of One, Book II, Session 39 March 16, 1981
Q'uo Sunday Meditation February 6, 2000
You may think that what you see or think is real, but beyond all thought lies the truth, for as soon as you think then you have distortion. The mystery of the one is inconceivable, thus you only need to accept, relax and open the door to the creator in meditation.
Aaron The Aaron/Q’uo Dialogues, Session 19 September 25, 1993
Although it is a great service to the creator by moving into seventh density, Aaron a being of sixth density conveys here how some hold off this harvest in order to serve those in the lower densities still.
Aaron The Aaron/Q’uo Dialogues, Session 19 September 25, 1993
Q'uo Special Meditation October 15, 2005
Q'uo Sunday Meditation July 1, 1990
Quote:As the seventh density entity loses all need to feel selfhood, the power of love which has infinite intelligence and no awareness of self at all calls it home, and it rejoins the Creator, which is intelligent infinity. At that point, so we understand from those few who have come to us from future creations, loss of self is in itself an illusion, for that which the Creator has created is never lost. There is no beginning over. The knowledge of this entire octave of creation is simply a gift to love itself, and love learns about love, and the heart of the universe beats once more, and a new creation, based upon the learnings of the previous, begins.
Q'uo Saturday Meditation May 24, 2008
Quote:For now, let us look at this process of knowing the self and accepting the self. We would acknowledge that it is impossible to know the self fully. The self is known fully only at the point in the octave of Creation where seventh density is beginning to fade into timelessness and the mind/body/spirit becomes a mind/body/spirit totality. This mind/body/spirit totality offers its mysterious and ever-shifting information to itself in mid-sixth density, allowing that sixth-density version of self to become the higher self, which then, in turn, offers to the third-density incarnate being a source of good information and guidance.
There is always progression because infinity expands infinitly always. Thus do not fear because creations never end, the infinite one creator is endless, and you are that being. We are all that being for it is all that there is.
Q'uo Sunday Meditation April 16, 2000
Quote:After the unification occurs, the end of sixth density and the seventh density are those in which the selves gradually stop turning backwards to look at what has been and begin being drawn, as if by gravity, into the heart of the source of all that there is: the one infinite Creator. At the end of seventh density there is a movement into timelessness, and in this time of unknowing the heart of the Creator beats and another creation begins. This is the panoply of cosmology within which you are now experiencing the third of seven experiences or types of experience. And each of these densities represents a considerable length of your time.
Ra The Law of One, Book II, Session 39 March 16, 1981
Quote:However, in your present physical system of knowledge it is useful to take the mass number of the electron in order to do work that you may find solutions to other questions about the physical universe. In such a way, you may conveniently consider each density of being to have a greater and greater spiritual mass. The mass increases, shall we say, significantly but not greatly until the gateway density. In this density the summing up, the looking backwards—in short—all the useful functions of polarity have been used. Therefore, the metaphysical electrical nature of the individual grows greater and greater in spiritual mass.
For an analog one may observe the work of the one known as Albert who posits the growing to infinity of mass as this mass approaches the speed of light. Thus the seventh-density being, the completed being, the Creator who knows Itself, accumulates mass and compacts into the One Creator once again.
Q'uo Sunday Meditation February 6, 2000
Quote:The remaining densities are the fourth density, which many have called the density of understanding but which we would call the density of love; fifth density, in which souls take on themselves lessons of wisdom; sixth density, which is the density of unity, where love and wisdom find the way to meld and become one. This density is the first density wherein the positive and the negative paths are reconciled and all paradoxes solved. The seventh density has been called the density of foreverness, for in this final density before the octave souls spend their last days looking backwards and finally, full of spiritual gravity, are pulled back into the heart of the one infinite Creator to become quiescent and held completely in potential, only to be flung out again at the beginning of the next creation to experience more, to express more, and to inform the one infinite Creator of Its own nature.
You may think that what you see or think is real, but beyond all thought lies the truth, for as soon as you think then you have distortion. The mystery of the one is inconceivable, thus you only need to accept, relax and open the door to the creator in meditation.
Aaron The Aaron/Q’uo Dialogues, Session 19 September 25, 1993
Quote:Pure Awareness is that which sees consciousness and knows it. What we may call Christ or Buddha Consciousness is found here: Awareness aware of its divine nature and yet also aware of the tools of the incarnation, the self-conscious mind. The Christ Consciousness finds no less divinity in the incarnation than in the ultimate perfection.
While the human cannot ordinarily move beyond sixth-density thought (the consciousness of the Higher Self), your meditation can take you truly into the experience of seventh and even beginning eighth density, that borderline between the two where all concept is dissolved, where there is total dissolution of the body and the ego, where there is no longer any thought at all, just Pure Awareness, no consciousness. So, I differentiate these terms. I do not use them synonymously, consciousness and awareness. When I speak of Pure Awareness, it is that awareness beyond any conceptual thinking or any perception of self.
Although it is a great service to the creator by moving into seventh density, Aaron a being of sixth density conveys here how some hold off this harvest in order to serve those in the lower densities still.
Aaron The Aaron/Q’uo Dialogues, Session 19 September 25, 1993
Quote:Aaron: The human body takes this one step further down because it adds the physical catalysts as well, and that which creates more shadow. If you take a being such as yourselves and put it in front of that perfect light, which I would call God, you see a sharp sense of shadow. If you take a being like myself, a sixth-density being, and put it in front of that perfect light, there will still be a distinction between that energy that I am and that perfect light. I am not fully merged into that perfect light. If you take a being such as the Christ or the Buddha and put the energy of those beings in front of that perfect light, they will be almost invisible, almost only because they choose to retain some degree of consciousness and have not yet fully moved into seventh density. I am not specifying, now, where these beings are in their evolution. A being that has moved into seventh or eighth density is not better than a being which chooses to remain at the borderline of seventh density so as to allow itself to be available to those of the lower densities, to allow its personal energy to be available. That is really a gift and sacrifice on the part of that being, holding back its own full merging with the light out of service to all beings and desire to offer itself as servant.
Q'uo Special Meditation October 15, 2005
Quote:The seventh density has been called the density of foreverness. In this density the energies of spiritual gravity begin to take hold of you as a spark of the Creator. The Creator shot you forth into first density with the understanding and the knowledge that within an infinite reach of time/space and space/time you would once again be drawn up into the Creator completely. The seventh density is the density where you prepare for and then go through the final stages of return to the one infinite Creator.
At the end of this density, it is as if you have entered a black hole, and, indeed, the physical black holes that your scientists have seen are physical aspects of this metaphysical process of spiritual gravity and the return of all that there is into the heart of the one infinite Creator. The end of this density system has been called by this instrument the “octave” because she is a musician and sees that when the seven tones, or colors, of creation have been completed there is a return to the original creation of the Father, as this instrument would put it. As the Creator’s heart beats, shall we say, the entire process begins again. It is an infinite cycle.
The Creator is endlessly curious.