11-06-2013, 04:44 AM
(11-05-2013, 04:02 PM)βαθμιαίος Wrote:(11-05-2013, 03:21 PM)peregrine Wrote: The quote describes the magical personality as being equivalent to, not the same as the higher self.
Serious question: what's the difference between being the same as and being equivalent to?
Interesting question, βαθμιαίος. May I try?
As Don/Ra said here, the so called "magical personality" can be invoked in steps as an adept develops its self:
"75.38 ▶ Questioner: Now the invocation of the magical personality is not necessarily effective for the neophyte. Is there a point at which there is a definite quantum change and that personality does then reside, or can it be done in small degrees or percentages of magical personality as the neophyte becomes more adept?
Ra: I am Ra. The latter is correct."
Then Ra said that the "magical personality" is a time/space analog to third density space/time self:
"...the time/space mind/body/spirit analog, which is evoked as the magical personality..."
But when the mind/body/spirit complex has invoked its "magical personality properly and efficaciously", one has invoked its Higher Self:
"When the magical personality is properly and efficaciously invoked the self has invoked its Higher Self. Thus a bridge betwixt space/time and time/space is made..."
Ra then also mentioned that there are some adepts who have penetrated several of the true colors:
"As we have noted, each of the true-color densities has the seven energy centers and each entity contains all this in potentiation. The activation, while in yellow ray, of violet-ray intelligent infinity is a passport to the next octave of experience. There are adepts who have penetrated many, many of the energy centers and *several of the true colors*. This must be done with utmost care while in the physical body for as we noted when speaking of the dangers of linking red/orange/yellow circuitry with true-color blue circuitry the potential for disarrangement of the mind/body/spirit complex is great. However, the entity who penetrates intelligent infinity is basically capable of walking the universe with unfettered tread."
As Higher Self resides in sixth density then those adepts who can clothe themselves in Higher Self, have then penetrated "true color indigo", right?
So, my understanding is that "magical personality" is not the same as Higher Self as long as it is invoked partially so to speak, BUT if the "magical personality" is "properly and efficaciously" invoked, then it is indeed its own Higher Self one has invoked, a thought-form of sixth density?
Maybe the term "magical personality" is perhaps misleading, as it is trying to define the limits of the development of its self? The self itself is infinite as Ra said here: "there are no end to your selves". So, if one develops its self, some of us may not only cross the bridge between the space/time and time/space, but also walk the universe with unfettered tread, all the way to the Higher Self residing in sixth density? And some of us can not do that? What do you think?