Plenum, it is my understanding that the first three distortions refer to the upper three Chakras, Crown for Free Will/Power, Indigo for Love, and Throat for wisdom.
However, as you have mentioned before, the term Love is confusing, as it confuses it with Green Ray. In this context it's best to describe it as Faith.
The relationship between Faith and Understanding has been analyzed since ancient times. There is the famous phrase "Faith Seeking Understanding", or, as Augustine says “Believe in order that you may understand”. But, rather than as it seems, that one begins with faith and ends in Wisdom or understanding, it's simply meant to illustrate the codependency between these two principles. Anselm describes it as "an active love of God seeking a deeper knowledge of God", here, it is made more clear that Faith is an active force, and it's kinship with love is more clear.
Paradoxically, we see this amongst the Greek Philosophers (lovers of wisdom). Socrates denied knowing anything, searched and tested everyone he could find to see if anyone was wiser than he. Socrates was the wisest man in Greece because he said "I know that I know nothing", that he was aware of his own ignorance. Furthermore, you see the phrase "The more you know, the more you realize you do not know", thus the search for wisdom ends in faith. Socrates is The Fool.
So, the penultimate of faith brings forth understanding, and understanding brings forth Faith.
These two principles are, in turn produced, and produce, Power, or Free Will, forming a Triad. An interesting allegory is to associate Faith with Christianity, Wisdom with the Ancient Greeks philosophers and their spiritual successors, and Power with the Ancient Hebrews. They were focused on the power of god, to generate plagues, part the sea, destroy the walls of Jericho, Sodom and Gomorrah, Fiery Furnace, etc. It is not quite faith nor wisdom to see the power of god before your own eyes.
The Power to create or destroy, the choice between good and evil, exists in Free Will. It is incumbent that our Will rest upon the Crux of the desire to serve the creator, and serve others, as the Circle of Spirit rests upon the cross of the Crux Ansata.
However, as you have mentioned before, the term Love is confusing, as it confuses it with Green Ray. In this context it's best to describe it as Faith.
The relationship between Faith and Understanding has been analyzed since ancient times. There is the famous phrase "Faith Seeking Understanding", or, as Augustine says “Believe in order that you may understand”. But, rather than as it seems, that one begins with faith and ends in Wisdom or understanding, it's simply meant to illustrate the codependency between these two principles. Anselm describes it as "an active love of God seeking a deeper knowledge of God", here, it is made more clear that Faith is an active force, and it's kinship with love is more clear.
Paradoxically, we see this amongst the Greek Philosophers (lovers of wisdom). Socrates denied knowing anything, searched and tested everyone he could find to see if anyone was wiser than he. Socrates was the wisest man in Greece because he said "I know that I know nothing", that he was aware of his own ignorance. Furthermore, you see the phrase "The more you know, the more you realize you do not know", thus the search for wisdom ends in faith. Socrates is The Fool.
So, the penultimate of faith brings forth understanding, and understanding brings forth Faith.
These two principles are, in turn produced, and produce, Power, or Free Will, forming a Triad. An interesting allegory is to associate Faith with Christianity, Wisdom with the Ancient Greeks philosophers and their spiritual successors, and Power with the Ancient Hebrews. They were focused on the power of god, to generate plagues, part the sea, destroy the walls of Jericho, Sodom and Gomorrah, Fiery Furnace, etc. It is not quite faith nor wisdom to see the power of god before your own eyes.
The Power to create or destroy, the choice between good and evil, exists in Free Will. It is incumbent that our Will rest upon the Crux of the desire to serve the creator, and serve others, as the Circle of Spirit rests upon the cross of the Crux Ansata.