09-21-2013, 02:57 AM
(09-21-2013, 01:45 AM)flinderrose Wrote: Hey Guardian..
I don't know why you are saying this word exercise is not good for the weight loss..
I disagree with you on this point because I think exercise is one of the best technique to lose body weight and also for the fitness..
Anyway thanks for sharing your experience..
Hi Finder,
Thank you for your response. I am always happy to share my experience with others. It is well documented that exercise does not play much of a role in weight loss.
Most people who start exercise also engage in calorie restriction which is the major cause of weight loss, much more than the exercise. A 30 minute jog will only burn 300 calories, and a pound of fat has around 3,000 calories. This means it would take you 10 days to burn a single pound of fat. If you were 60 pounds overweight (say you were 230lb and ideally were 170lb), it would take you nearly 2 years of running for 30 minutes every day to meet that requirement. It's insane really.
Also, what the calorie formula doesn't take into account is that the type of exercise you do adjusts your metabolic hormone profile. A slow jogging type exercise increases cortisol while decreasing growth hormone and testosterone. This is not condusive to burning fat, in fact it does the opposite, it slows down metabolism and makes you gain weight.
So most people who exercise, are actually getting hungrier and eating more calories than if they hadn't exercised at all. Quite the paradox. On the other hand, if you are doing short burst exercise, like sprinting, you will decrease cortisol, and increase growth hormone and testosterone. This is great but even if you are doing the maximum burst exercise, you still haven't addressed the actual causes of obesity - malnutrition, toxicity, and constipation. You will lose far more weight addressing these 3 issues than you will ever lose exercising.
Here is my response from another thread describing why:
There's a lot of evidence now showing that being overweight is actually a symptom of a deeper problem.
The typical healthy person eats until they are full and won't get hungry again until their body needs fuel. Even healthy people with normal BMI's forced to eat 3,000+ calories a day have difficulty gaining weight. The appropriate response in a healthy body is to burn off that extra intake by increasing metabolism.
In an unhealthy person, weight gain becomes a concern. The mechanisms by which weight gain occurs are an insensitivity to leptin (the hormone that makes you feel full) or imbalances with thyroid/adrenal hormones.
It is speculated that the hormones lose homeostasis with nutritional deficiency, excessive toxicity, or an inability to eliminate waste.
In terms of nutritional deficiency the mechanism is clear. Your body will tell you to keep eating until its dietary requirements for vitamins and minerals is met. It's funny to think that an obese person could be malnourished but it is extremely common. A testament to this fact is that by going on a purely organic fresh-squeezed fruit/vegetable juice diet quickly reverses this leptin insensitivity and allows obese people to feel full.
In terms of excessive toxicity, the body needs to eliminate waste. The liver, in order to convert fat soluble toxins into water soluble toxins that can be eliminated in the kidney, requires a series of nutrients and amino acids. This is called phase 2 liver detoxification. If phase 2 isn't working properly, the liver has no choice but to store these fat-soluble toxins into fat stores. Thus, we see the growth of "central obesity". Central obesity is dangerous because it is a signal that you are overloaded with toxins and unable to process them.
Finally, is the inability to eliminate waste. The bowel is our sewage pipe and should be activated every time you eat. If you are not passing a well formed bowel motion 2-3 times per day, your colon is not working well enough. As a result, not only is the waste unable to be eliminated from the liver, but waste from the colon will reenter your blood stream making you more toxic. This is called leaky gut syndrome, or intestinal hyperpermeability. The same occurs with kidney failure, obesity occurs as the body has nowhere else to put the toxins.
So, the solution for weight loss is simple - go on a juice fast and get enemas / colonics. A wonderful documentary called "Fat, sick, and nearly dead" demonstrates the healing power of this protocol on some incredibly sick people.
Hope this helps. Namaste.