04-10-2010, 08:21 PM
Whatever you will choose to do, it will be the right choice. I would like to offer my view on the subject though. The way that you are thinking of expressing yourself in could have the effect of putting distance between those you love and yourself, temporarily at least. In the long run, things will be just fine, and many of them will get it sooner or later, but for now it could have an unwanted effect. My advice would be to (as many have mentioned before me) to change into a more positive state of mind about all things in life, change problems into challenges. Spread love and respect the others. But stay on the same "level" as them, if you wish. Offer more positive views on what they believe in, without telling them too much about your own beliefs (this might make them fear what you have become and make you seem unreliable). Try to steer discussions in deeper and more positive directions while radiating love and understanding for their views. Talk to them one on one, you might "feel" when the discussion is going in the direction you wish. This is how, in my opinion, those who are "deeply asleep" (if you wish to use that term) learn in the most effective manner.
On the other hand i understand your situation, you would in a way want to show them that the old you is gone and that you have moved into a more positive state of being, or that your mindset is different compared to what it was. To put it on facebook, however elegantly written and with the purest of intentions, will spur some confusion though. It might be easier to "be the change you wish to see" instead of flat out telling them. I suppose that as wanderers we are here to help with the transition and the events to come, and the people that we spend time with the most are those that in time will need our love and reassurance that all will be well, and when that time comes it might not be beneficial to have put distance between ourselves and our other selves.
But do what you feel is right dear one!
Love & Light!
On the other hand i understand your situation, you would in a way want to show them that the old you is gone and that you have moved into a more positive state of being, or that your mindset is different compared to what it was. To put it on facebook, however elegantly written and with the purest of intentions, will spur some confusion though. It might be easier to "be the change you wish to see" instead of flat out telling them. I suppose that as wanderers we are here to help with the transition and the events to come, and the people that we spend time with the most are those that in time will need our love and reassurance that all will be well, and when that time comes it might not be beneficial to have put distance between ourselves and our other selves.
But do what you feel is right dear one!

Love & Light!