A bit of an update.
I tried out the Unitarian Universities church we have near here. I intend to go back. It did feel a little awkward, some of the terminology was unusual coming from a pentecostal background and going to a new type of church. I will get used to it over time, but it is good to know there is a way to explore my spirituality freely without need to contend with a religious system is what I was looking for, and this will provide that means.
I have also decided to put aside my religious upbringing. This decision didn't come about lightly. I did pray and ask for guidance, I reminded God, it says "seek, and you shall find, ask, and you shall receive." And I asked for the truth. As of late, I have been studying how the Bible was assembled, and noticed the order in which the books were written, (as much as can be known) I had noticed a certain trend in the development of the order. After the prayer, I discovered an article that summarized well what it was I was seeing.
What I found provided the final notch that I needed to let go. Ironically, this morning, when my friend was dropping me off at the shopping center to get a haircut, the Christian radio station he listens to was playing a song that had the lines "This is the beginning of the rest of your life". After the haircut, I decided to go down to the Wendy's to get a bite to eat. I did something unexpected at this point, I decided to stop in at the book store.
Not sure what I wanted, I started browsing around. I found the "New Age" section, but it had mostly occult stuff in it. I am not really interested in that. (sounds ironic, doesn't it?) On the back side of that shelf was the "Self Help" section. I saw a number of titles like "How to be happy" and the like. Then I did something else unexpected. I just reached up and grabbed a book.
"The Power of Intention" by Dr. Wayne Dyer. So far, from what I have read, it has the Law of One written all over it, even though it does not state that, and how to deal with Ego, and how to manage and use your intention, Stuff that's all in the Law of One, Q'uo's words, and Bashar's messages. All from someone who doesn't write as if he in into these types of works, but understands the message none the less.
So, I have multiple works that describe Love, Life, Intention, Peace, and the Law of One, Some in the bible, Ra/Q'uo/Bashar, independent writers, even star trek has a snippet of it, (see ep: TNG:Haven), and yet, only once real source for Jesus the Divine. (as opposed to Jesus the man)
I don't mean to step on anyone's toes, and I'd like to think anyone reading this post is more open minded then is typical. but I can no longer give my life to any religion. Hindu, Islam, Budda, or even Christianity. They are not for me any longer. I am still guided and guarded by my guardian angels, God, or as some call him the Creator still loves me, and I can still have Faith, and not be part of an organized religion.
I think I understand why these religions warn you not to look out side of them, because if you did, you'd realized you didn't need them to be Spiritual, and they'd loose control over you. They have their purpose, as a means to the inner path, but many times they have a "Do Not Enter" sign to the inner path. And that's the unfortunate part. I am thankful I decided to cross the line, Do the unthinkable, take the Red Pill, and wake up.
I was telling my friend, I do feel like Neo in a way, waking up and realizing the world is entirely different then you had once thought, and just like him, the idea does make you a little sick to your tummy initially, and for some, it would be impossible. I am thankful I can make this journey.
So, yes, today is the first day of the rest of my life.
I couldn't figure out how to add it to my above post, So I will add it here.
I would like to say a very big "Thank You" to the people here. I would not have gotten past this road block had it not been for the very kind and loving words I found here. And if anyone from LL reads this, Give Q'uo a big Thank You from me as well.
I tried out the Unitarian Universities church we have near here. I intend to go back. It did feel a little awkward, some of the terminology was unusual coming from a pentecostal background and going to a new type of church. I will get used to it over time, but it is good to know there is a way to explore my spirituality freely without need to contend with a religious system is what I was looking for, and this will provide that means.
I have also decided to put aside my religious upbringing. This decision didn't come about lightly. I did pray and ask for guidance, I reminded God, it says "seek, and you shall find, ask, and you shall receive." And I asked for the truth. As of late, I have been studying how the Bible was assembled, and noticed the order in which the books were written, (as much as can be known) I had noticed a certain trend in the development of the order. After the prayer, I discovered an article that summarized well what it was I was seeing.
What I found provided the final notch that I needed to let go. Ironically, this morning, when my friend was dropping me off at the shopping center to get a haircut, the Christian radio station he listens to was playing a song that had the lines "This is the beginning of the rest of your life". After the haircut, I decided to go down to the Wendy's to get a bite to eat. I did something unexpected at this point, I decided to stop in at the book store.
Not sure what I wanted, I started browsing around. I found the "New Age" section, but it had mostly occult stuff in it. I am not really interested in that. (sounds ironic, doesn't it?) On the back side of that shelf was the "Self Help" section. I saw a number of titles like "How to be happy" and the like. Then I did something else unexpected. I just reached up and grabbed a book.
"The Power of Intention" by Dr. Wayne Dyer. So far, from what I have read, it has the Law of One written all over it, even though it does not state that, and how to deal with Ego, and how to manage and use your intention, Stuff that's all in the Law of One, Q'uo's words, and Bashar's messages. All from someone who doesn't write as if he in into these types of works, but understands the message none the less.
So, I have multiple works that describe Love, Life, Intention, Peace, and the Law of One, Some in the bible, Ra/Q'uo/Bashar, independent writers, even star trek has a snippet of it, (see ep: TNG:Haven), and yet, only once real source for Jesus the Divine. (as opposed to Jesus the man)
I don't mean to step on anyone's toes, and I'd like to think anyone reading this post is more open minded then is typical. but I can no longer give my life to any religion. Hindu, Islam, Budda, or even Christianity. They are not for me any longer. I am still guided and guarded by my guardian angels, God, or as some call him the Creator still loves me, and I can still have Faith, and not be part of an organized religion.
I think I understand why these religions warn you not to look out side of them, because if you did, you'd realized you didn't need them to be Spiritual, and they'd loose control over you. They have their purpose, as a means to the inner path, but many times they have a "Do Not Enter" sign to the inner path. And that's the unfortunate part. I am thankful I decided to cross the line, Do the unthinkable, take the Red Pill, and wake up.
I was telling my friend, I do feel like Neo in a way, waking up and realizing the world is entirely different then you had once thought, and just like him, the idea does make you a little sick to your tummy initially, and for some, it would be impossible. I am thankful I can make this journey.
So, yes, today is the first day of the rest of my life.

I couldn't figure out how to add it to my above post, So I will add it here.
I would like to say a very big "Thank You" to the people here. I would not have gotten past this road block had it not been for the very kind and loving words I found here. And if anyone from LL reads this, Give Q'uo a big Thank You from me as well.