(08-13-2013, 05:59 PM)Jeremy Wrote: ...
People pour their hearts out on here about issues that would condemn them to a life of ridicule in the "real world" so this place must preserve that atmosphere of protection and acceptance or this entire board is all for naught in the eyes of the LOO. This is supposed to be a place where one can pry open their souls and reveal whatever form they are comfortable in at that moment whether it's free spirit, magi, channeler, psychic, or simply a Being.
What this ultimately has done is created a wonderful catalyst for all of those involved. We should collectively learn from this and improve upon whatever personal catalyst this has created to become a more harmonious community united in our goals to live a life according to the LOO or as close as we possibly can within this density.
This has been on my mind since I started browsing the forums, but I could never quite articulate it properly. Well said.
The discussion in this thread has been very helpful to me in general.