08-13-2013, 01:24 PM
Austin, I loved your post, but I disagree with this part (for the moment as I may have misunderstood it):
In the past we've had a thread in this forum where people were discussing what density they may be come from if they identified themselves as Wanderers. It was just an innocent thread with innocent discussion, so I thought, and in that thread for the first time I said what I believed about myself. What happened further in that thread is that there appeared a side-discussion, where two groups were arguing against each other. There wasn't maybe an ostracizing, but at least disharmony because of this separation of these groups. What I personally felt after this discussion, is that it was "un-safe" to speak such things, even in the forum such as this one. And you, my friend, was one of theses people who were somewhat negative towards other people interested in discussing topics such as was that one. :p Here is that thread:
if you self identify as a Wanderer, what density do you think you come from?
So, yeah, considering these past experiences, today - though caring less about other's opinions - I would still be careful before speaking my mind again in regards to what density I think that I am from, not even mentioning the social memory complex that I think I am from.
Adonai One, I didn't get one thing - why do you have to stop posting after this confession? You weren't clear on that point.
(08-12-2013, 06:23 PM)Bring4th_Austin Wrote: I've not seen a single instance where a member was ostracized nor worshiped for revealing their feelings of being a Ra wanderer.
In the past we've had a thread in this forum where people were discussing what density they may be come from if they identified themselves as Wanderers. It was just an innocent thread with innocent discussion, so I thought, and in that thread for the first time I said what I believed about myself. What happened further in that thread is that there appeared a side-discussion, where two groups were arguing against each other. There wasn't maybe an ostracizing, but at least disharmony because of this separation of these groups. What I personally felt after this discussion, is that it was "un-safe" to speak such things, even in the forum such as this one. And you, my friend, was one of theses people who were somewhat negative towards other people interested in discussing topics such as was that one. :p Here is that thread:
if you self identify as a Wanderer, what density do you think you come from?
So, yeah, considering these past experiences, today - though caring less about other's opinions - I would still be careful before speaking my mind again in regards to what density I think that I am from, not even mentioning the social memory complex that I think I am from.
Adonai One, I didn't get one thing - why do you have to stop posting after this confession? You weren't clear on that point.