(08-10-2013, 03:11 PM)Adonai One Wrote: You can only add so much interpretation to a tangible and wholly-united universe.
Deception, illusion and delusion exists especially in regards to the archetypes. There are wrong ways to interpret things. Of course, if you view a life of delusion as virtuous, then so
be it.
How one views art is subjective, for instance. However when it comes to denying the canvas, its very materials and structure -- that's when subjectivity ends.
You, your posts, they are MADE from the very same canvas that you talk about. The person who, according to you, misinterprets the archetypes, not understanding the "True" meaning of them goes through a journey. You yourself do the same. You believe now that you posess a knowledge that is absolutely set in stone and cannot be taken from you, but here comes the kicker: the moment you say I AM, the moment you open the red chakra, the first stepping stone for existence to come to fruition, you are walking on tangible, subjective paper.
Therefore, the true meaning of an archetype is an empty statement. There is but one heavy charge associated with such statements: your (and anyone else's, including me when I type this post) intent to radiate something to the other-selves, hoping that they absorb it for their "own good". However, that can be a futile endeavor more often than not: simply because you cannot know that you are indeed right and they are wrong, you cant know what their own path entails, what current understanding or belief they posess regarding them, and also you cant know what comes out of such understanding.
What seems to be a mistake from an outsider point of view can be the greatest achievement in one's life. The greatest luck, the greatest experience, or the greatest source of depression and misery that pushes someone into finally sheding all that, and use self-reflection more often.
You say: "Here, this is how you climb this ladder if you want to get to the Top, to the Source".
The person, made out of archetypes, living archetype-based stories, having an archetype-based life in this archetype-based 3rd density realm, can say "huh? No, I am going from bump to bump, USING this ladder. This is my story".
"But you are wrong".
"Am I?"
But the path is neither a ladder nor a pathway, neither the journey nor the destination. It is all at the same time! Or, to be more precise, such is my understanding of the matter - which, is not to be taken seriously, after all: otherwise I would argue against myself, clearly.