08-09-2013, 07:01 AM
(08-09-2013, 05:42 AM)Notalone Wrote: I've been highly judgmental towards my mother lately, at one point I did see her as 'evil' because of the way she acts sometimes. However, I see how I've been in complete denial about certain aspects of my (shadow) self so it's a good learning experience, but quite -quite challenging at times. It's hard to balance acceptance and stand up to her in a loving manner.
Dear friend you are 'Notalone' in this situation hehe
It can be very hard to change the way we instinctively feel about someone. On top of that, many feel the desire to 'change' people because of their attachment to them ie. Care about someone so try to stop the doing something we judge as harmful. Also, and this is the big one I find when concerning those we are closest too:
I have never been in a fight with a loved one were I hadn't projected a rejected trait of myself onto them, and attacked/rejected them and really just taken them for granted.
Also relationships are a two way street so they can do the same thing.
This follows into my address of the topic question nicely lol
I'm not, but it's very hard to be because of the awareness of distinction and the underlying polar nature of this octave. Now, many great points have already been made so i'll just add a few in my own terms.
Now all this talk of 'right hand, left hand', do humans not have two hands? Beings are capable of the different paths for a reason, everything exists to be experienced. If it was not be experienced it would not exist in potentiation.
To be aware of distinction in an infinite (whole/one) universe is simply to be aware of the different levels of potential differentiation within the infinite matrix. There are lessons everywhere and the emotional charge held by creators learning slants the outcome of what is learnt/experienced. what I mean is please don't let me or anyone else tell you how to feel about this. You have the galactic 'right' of choosing, and while some paths are easier than other you have the ability to choose for yourself. The emotional energies that influence action and therefore, experience (of action etc.), are one of the greatest ways of expanding potential of experience.
Now, as for me personally, being consciously both STS and STO in this lifetime I can tell you both have their perks and are just as important as the other. However there is much potential for disarrangement of the mind on the STS path and the unpolarised selfish/power hungry entity is not one i'd wish to be (again). This is to say I occasionally find myself scoffing at (judging) many STS beings (many still in the grey area of polarisation, but on that side) that are driven by impulse and greed as they strike me as apelike/childish. This is mainly due to residual spiritual narcissism from my younger days. This is a distortion I am working on to remove but I still catch myself every now and then.