What hits me hard about this is that the 'wild' is a completely circular system of thought. Is not the wild the way things naturally work, and isn't that good? Also I thing we should be one with our ecosystem, not trying to subdue or save it as some foreign entity. The best diet known to man is a raw high fruit based diet (811 diet) and interestingly enough that diet can be best be found in a tropical (or sub-tropical) FOREST. Not a field where we rape the landscape for resources, but rather through nurturing the earth and creating much biodiversity in a forest setting can we find health, true freedom, and true wealth (having what you need when you need it). My personal goal is to truly discover what this new/old lifestyle looks like (eating well, living well [for everyone on the earth] and having freedom to explore the creator).
And interestingly enough the first decline in adam/mankind was him plowing a field because he was kicked out of a garden (but really it was a food forest.)
And interestingly enough the first decline in adam/mankind was him plowing a field because he was kicked out of a garden (but really it was a food forest.)