08-01-2013, 03:50 PM
(08-01-2013, 10:28 AM)Bring4th_Austin Wrote: Would it not be your "blockages" or "distortions" which are being projected on to others in either case?
I think the best way I can describe it is this Austin:
the act of projection usually goes like this:
someone has a blockage (not you), but that blockage presents as a bowl of muddy water
you yourself have the same blockage (something unforgiven usually) and you see that other person, or interact with them. Your own blockage is like a bowl of muddy water
the 'projection' works this way: you blame/accuse/or have resistance to the other person because all you take notice of is their bowl of muddy water. It irritates you for some reason. You can't stop thinking about it. You make all sorts of accusations. They need to 'fix' their bowl of muddy water, because, well, its so muddy! they need to change. There is something 'wrong' with them.
now all the time that you are reacting to them in your mind, you are just reacting against your own bowl of muddy water, which is sitting in your unconscious somewhere. Some part of you knows that it is there, but you haven't accepted in your conscious awareness that yourself have the same bowl of muddy water as the person that you are reacting to.
and so the projection continues on and on until you own that fact. That you yourself have a bowl of muddy water, and you yourself need to fix that problem. Once that problem is fixed (usually an act of self-forgiveness), you will no longer be reactive to the other person. You can quite happily look at their bowl of muddy water all day and feel no reactivity. It's just them, that's who they are, and its cool. No resistance to the other.
- -
now the case of being around a 'clear' individual, or someone who is very well balanced follows a different process (in my opinion).
in this case, the balanced individual has no bowls of muddy water. They have addressed most of their blockages, and their energy centres are balanced with each other and well lit. They are bright. They are clear.
when you are around such a person, you become acutely aware of your own bowls of muddy water. Not because the other person is judging you, or throwing it into your face ... but rather, there is a deep recognition that when seeing all those clear bowls of water ... oh, that's the way its meant to be! that's what clear water looks like! and it brings to your own awareness your own muddied bowls, and you can accept that you have some work to do. There is no 'projection' in this case; there is nothing to project onto. The other person is entirely clear and transparent. But they do, in their very beingness, reveal to yourself your own blockages and imbalances.
so yeah, that's the best way I can explain it Austin. And it's just my personal view/perspective
peace and namaste,