07-27-2013, 07:27 PM
one good thing about mantras is that they can be done in a non meditative way, though japa meditation is better. vibration is the power within ether, which stands above all other elements. we all consist of the four elements not only in our body complex but also within the mind and personality.
mantra in sanskrit means "liberating the mind, consciousness, soul, atma from repeated birth and death"
any mantra should be engaged with two or more of the senses. when we meditate and engage two or more of the senses, it brings us that much closer to samadhi, which is becoming one with the object of meditation. one should be listening, feeling, and even trying to visualize (whether its internal gazing, or upon an object etc)
the hare krsna mantra is supposed to be chanted as japa meditation, on beads (108 beads total) by initiates for a full 16 rounds every day, which takes roughly 2 hours. they put emphasis to approach it humbly and understand and respect the creator. all in my opinion very relatable to what Ra is telling us because in this way we can relate to the creator on a personal level! for me it has been way more intimate through taking a different approach on more of a human level
i dont know a lot about other mantras at this time, ive just been learning sanskrit songs lately. i do have some chakra mantras from harish jahori i can post if anyone is interested. i would recommend getting his chakra book on amazon kindle. it goes highly into detail about the energy pathways of the body (nadis) and how to awaken them etc
"from the beginning of creation, the three words om tat sat were used to indicate the supreme absolute truth." bhagavad gita 17:23
mantra in sanskrit means "liberating the mind, consciousness, soul, atma from repeated birth and death"
any mantra should be engaged with two or more of the senses. when we meditate and engage two or more of the senses, it brings us that much closer to samadhi, which is becoming one with the object of meditation. one should be listening, feeling, and even trying to visualize (whether its internal gazing, or upon an object etc)
the hare krsna mantra is supposed to be chanted as japa meditation, on beads (108 beads total) by initiates for a full 16 rounds every day, which takes roughly 2 hours. they put emphasis to approach it humbly and understand and respect the creator. all in my opinion very relatable to what Ra is telling us because in this way we can relate to the creator on a personal level! for me it has been way more intimate through taking a different approach on more of a human level
i dont know a lot about other mantras at this time, ive just been learning sanskrit songs lately. i do have some chakra mantras from harish jahori i can post if anyone is interested. i would recommend getting his chakra book on amazon kindle. it goes highly into detail about the energy pathways of the body (nadis) and how to awaken them etc
"from the beginning of creation, the three words om tat sat were used to indicate the supreme absolute truth." bhagavad gita 17:23