07-24-2013, 04:08 PM
I get sexual thoughts sometimes when I think of anthros, particularly wolfy anthros. But human sexuality I'm not into anymore. Just don't have interest in it. So it seems I'll never fulfill my fantasies, unless I still have the same interest in a higher density or when I cross over into time/space. Which I hear is like waking up from a dream, so this life will probably fade in importance compared with the greater picture, the larger life that I'll be in. The things I find so important in this life will probably have no meaning, especially when I recall all of my past lives. Whose to say if I even knew about anthros in my past lives. It's cause of the artists alive today which draw such art that I can appreciate them. In the decades or centuries before, the concept of anthros did not exist in the same cartoony way that it does today. Sure there were animal headed gods, but they aren't the cartoony anthro that I like in the same way.