i believe i have written of my most profound kundalini experience before on this board.... it will happen when its ready and it will transform you for life. you will have a realization that will change you on a very deep level. while it shouldnt be forced, i dont personally believe it should be avoided or deemed as bad. i believe it should be carefully studied for those who are serious about their spiritual path. we must realize spirituality isnt a part time job. as we grow more spiritually, our spiritual life will slowly become every part of our life, where eventually you no longer do anything unconsciously, not even eating or drinking.
ra states that to signal 'harvestability' one taps in into intelligent energy by having both poles of your energy meet within the heart space or higher. the imbalances comes from those who open the heart space (and even more so imbalanced for those who have the energies meet higher) without having the love and understanding to back it. this requires SO much discipline! many of us want to be at these 'higher' levels, but the amount of discipline required is very much so a lifestyle.
as ive posted before, i believe the bhagavad gita as an excellent book to bring us closer to our role in service to others and service to the creator. the disciplines laid down in this book will prepare you for greater work. for those more advanced in spirituality, you might be alright skipping the purports and just reading the translation
hare krsna
ra states that to signal 'harvestability' one taps in into intelligent energy by having both poles of your energy meet within the heart space or higher. the imbalances comes from those who open the heart space (and even more so imbalanced for those who have the energies meet higher) without having the love and understanding to back it. this requires SO much discipline! many of us want to be at these 'higher' levels, but the amount of discipline required is very much so a lifestyle.
as ive posted before, i believe the bhagavad gita as an excellent book to bring us closer to our role in service to others and service to the creator. the disciplines laid down in this book will prepare you for greater work. for those more advanced in spirituality, you might be alright skipping the purports and just reading the translation
hare krsna