(07-15-2013, 08:14 PM)Adonai One Wrote: Is it not feasible that a group of three or more lovers could achieve full-fusion compatibility?
Heh, let's just say I have thoughts on how that could work out.
I think so. It'd just be harder, all things being equal, because you have more entities distortions to balance out.
But if two mates have mastered violet ray fusion, and are open sexually, it seems that have a threesome fusion would be another step to explore, although with the nature of the male/female polarity I'd venture a guess that a threesome fusion would be exceedingly more difficult than a foursome fusion involving two males and two females.
However, there seems to be something about duality, and polarity, which essentially involves two opposite charges, that lends itself to exploration in mated couples. To it another way, the smallest possible part of infinity where the Creator interacts with free will and experience itself is with two entities.
To put a third way, the concept of free will does not make sense if there is only a singular sentient entity. It requires 2 or more entities to explore. I think this is why there is male/female, and other dualities. You can conceive of a logical tri-ality, but they are more than the minimum number needed to explore things involving free will.