(07-13-2013, 11:26 AM)Ankh Wrote: I "translate" the above parts into my own life experience as: it is very difficult to choose to serve another self when being dizzy like that. And it happens to me every day. By understanding these parts in my own way, applicable to my own life, I see that I have to continue serve another self in these situations, sending love and light to these difficulties, seeing them as an *opportunity*, of being further able to manifest what I am and what I desire. I also have to continue to meditate, and to face this illogical fear of fainting or falling in public, and working with this distortion.
Does anyone else here have experiences with dizziness, or have any thoughts about what I just wrote?
Thank you, my friends, for "listening".
If I might so humbly suggest, try to avoid fall into patterns of forcing yourself to serve others. There may be a bit of forcing or exerting at willpower at times, but it shouldn't be the focus. I'm not saying anything you said implied you were doing this, but in my personal journey I found it was easy to take this misstep; to force myself and think I was doing it right and just being messed up for not feeling right - when in actuality, it was the unconscious belief that I had to force myself that was another hurdle, another layer of distortion to peel back.
Find a place within you, where you can naturally still serve others while feeling this intense discomfort, pain, or fear. It will still be hard, and it will take willpower, but do not rely on willpower alone. Find that belief, that attitude, that truly unlocks your being's capacity to naturally serve others despite this particular hardship. It may take much meditation and deep seeking to unlock. If I had to describe being in somewhat similar situations and still finding that vibration of being that allows me to serve others, I would describe it as almost being in a certain "zone."
I wish I could be more specific of how to transition to this natural vibration of being despite discomfort to serve others over using pure willpower to serve others, but it comes down to individual balancing, and I also think some of it occurs behind the veil. I couldn't even fully describe to you how I create the state when I'm not in a loving mood due to pain or fear, and I'm still not always successful. But it's possible. And I'm sure you'll find out how, if you haven't already. You truly are a passionate and devoted seeker.
Much love Ankh. We're all in this thing called life together.