Consider this.
If you have never read TLOO, would your thoughts be ANYWHERE NEAR this kind of thinking? This train of thought that basically says "I'm not doing good enough, some all-knowing being more powerful than me is going to judge me and sentence me to a place I do not want to be" it God, your Higher Self, or whatever. I read SOOOO much damn material that I had to mentally dump it all, including most of TLOO. It didn't help because doubt/fear/worry would arise, about things I know NOTHING about...things I only READ about. Even the life experiences which have shown me the other side of reality (OBE's/lucid dreams) have not provided any real clear answers to me except for the fact that my consciousness seems to be able to leave this physical body from time to time, leading me to believe it most likely will pop out when I die as well.
That isn't much to be certain about now is it?
I'd suggest reevaluate WHY, oh WHY does any of your doubt/fear/worry about ANY SUBJECT exist...and see if it is grounded on anything that you consider REAL for YOU. And if you're having trouble figuring out what you consider to be REAL and TRUE, then you have even less to worry about. You cannot judge an animal for acting on it's impulses, just as you cannot judge a human for being confused seeing as how we have such a disgustingly small perspective on reality with our 5, sometimes 6 senses.
[[If you take TLOO to heart word for word and accept it as true, even to just a small degree, then I will add this much more for you. Remember that Ra said physical incarnations are not in any case necessary, we are essentially "humoring ourselves" as Ra liked to word it, with physical incarnations. One could always stay in the metaphysical spirit world and take care of lessons there...but I can imagine with a bunch of your closest soulmates nagging you to join them in physical life, and the temptation that you can more rapidly resolve issues there, we agree time and time again to join the party. We are not forced like a judgement of God with a sentencing gavel, but rather HEAVILY coerced into physical incarnations, or so it seems. Either way, my point is that I remember quoting Ra on another thread that after life is over we choose to either stay in mind/spirit or once again be mind/body/spirit.]]
If you have never read TLOO, would your thoughts be ANYWHERE NEAR this kind of thinking? This train of thought that basically says "I'm not doing good enough, some all-knowing being more powerful than me is going to judge me and sentence me to a place I do not want to be" it God, your Higher Self, or whatever. I read SOOOO much damn material that I had to mentally dump it all, including most of TLOO. It didn't help because doubt/fear/worry would arise, about things I know NOTHING about...things I only READ about. Even the life experiences which have shown me the other side of reality (OBE's/lucid dreams) have not provided any real clear answers to me except for the fact that my consciousness seems to be able to leave this physical body from time to time, leading me to believe it most likely will pop out when I die as well.
That isn't much to be certain about now is it?
I'd suggest reevaluate WHY, oh WHY does any of your doubt/fear/worry about ANY SUBJECT exist...and see if it is grounded on anything that you consider REAL for YOU. And if you're having trouble figuring out what you consider to be REAL and TRUE, then you have even less to worry about. You cannot judge an animal for acting on it's impulses, just as you cannot judge a human for being confused seeing as how we have such a disgustingly small perspective on reality with our 5, sometimes 6 senses.
[[If you take TLOO to heart word for word and accept it as true, even to just a small degree, then I will add this much more for you. Remember that Ra said physical incarnations are not in any case necessary, we are essentially "humoring ourselves" as Ra liked to word it, with physical incarnations. One could always stay in the metaphysical spirit world and take care of lessons there...but I can imagine with a bunch of your closest soulmates nagging you to join them in physical life, and the temptation that you can more rapidly resolve issues there, we agree time and time again to join the party. We are not forced like a judgement of God with a sentencing gavel, but rather HEAVILY coerced into physical incarnations, or so it seems. Either way, my point is that I remember quoting Ra on another thread that after life is over we choose to either stay in mind/spirit or once again be mind/body/spirit.]]