(06-24-2013, 07:16 PM)Jeremy Wrote: I eat so little dairy, that the amount is insignificant.
My diet consists of
2 eggs
1 Tortilla
35oz Chicken
2.5 cups of Sweet potatoes
4 tbs All natural peanut butter
2 scoops whey protein shake
2 gallons (yes gallons) of water a day
Greens first organic vegan powder
70g dextrose
I will every now and again indulge in unhealthy foods but these allergies started while remaining on this very strict diet.
Whey is dairy. :exclamation:
White flour (tortilla) also contribute to mucousy conditions.
Conventional eggs are a common allergen. Try switching to organic, free-range eggs. They're much healthier (for both you and the chickens!).
If your peanuts aren't organic, that could be part of the problem too. Conventional peanuts are grown in the same soil as cotton. Pesticides are used on cotton that are banned for food crops, but they remain in the soil, so when the peanuts are grown, they have high levels of toxic residues. Peanuts are among the 'dirtiest' foods, in terms of pesticide residue. Peanuts are highly nutritious foods, but it's important to buy them organic. You might also try Jungle Peanuts, which are ultra awesome!
(06-24-2013, 08:54 PM)Jeremy Wrote: Yea but wouldn't that mean that I would also exhibit these allergies throughout the year from another allergen in the air? My allergies only occur June-September. Like clockwork when the Bahia grass we have down here start sprouting their v-shaped pollen and seeds, my allergies start.
Not necessarily. People think pollen is the culprit, but actually, pollen is our friend! Pollen's job is to trigger a detoxification process in the body. If the body is clean, the person won't react to pollen. A reaction only occurs if there is some toxin accumulated in the cells. The pollen releases it so it can be cleansed out of the cells.
Pollen isn't the bad guy; it's just the messenger. What a wonderful gift the flowers give us, at certain times of the year! When the pollen is in the air, it's time for cleaning house!
(06-24-2013, 08:54 PM)Jeremy Wrote: My intake of the PB hasn't been as consistent as I would have liked and I only started a couple weeks ago but I'll forego it for a while to see if that's it.
My guess is that it's likely a combination of various factors. The whey is probably the biggest culprit. You might try switching to a vegan protein powder. The best one I've found is: Sunwarrior Warrior Blend Raw Gluten Free Protein though it's currently out of stock everywhere, unfortunately. It's really good stuff and tastes great too!
Another good one is: Garden of Life RAW Organic Protein.