(06-19-2013, 05:52 AM)plenum Wrote: there is a principle in Huna which goes:
MAKIA (mah-kee-ah) - Energy flows where attention goes.
which I believe sums up the whole mind-energy centre relationship.
when we talk about working with 'yellow ray' or 'red ray' it just seems to be a shorthand for working with those parts of mind that have to do with social concepts (yellow ray) or survival concepts (red ray) and so on for the other chakras/energy centres.
the 'rays' are just a shorthand for the 7 layers of the mind. Each of the 'rays' has a primary focus but is infinitely deep within that layer.
so the mind and energy are intimately related.
which leads me to the question - where do crystals come into this? I mean, certain crystals are renowned for having certain positive qualities on red ray or indigo ray ... how does this happen?
All matter is a manifestation of mind. Matter is the outer manifestation of the inner consciousness. Certain crystals have less distorted alignments with these aspects of mind or consciousness that they are expressions of. Thus, they serve to magnify these distortions of consciousness. They, just like the magnifying glass, focus a certain variety of light (in this case, the non-physical or non-local light of consciousness).
(06-19-2013, 05:52 AM)plenum Wrote: does the crystal work to re-arrange or re-pattern a distorted configuration of energy? (the crystal having a more regular/perfect lattice structure would enable it to re-align or re-pattern distortions shapes). And then, this realigned energy would then be deformed again when the crystal is taken away, and we return to our more distorted thought patterns?
Something like that, yes. The crystal, in an ideal scenario, is like a relatively undistorted expression, in tangible manifestation, of that ray of consciousness.
(06-19-2013, 05:52 AM)plenum Wrote: so distorted thought patterns --> distorted energy patterns --> distorted interpretations of experiential reality?
(the second step leads to the third because experience is drawn towards the self via the south pole of the self (root chakra) then works its way through the 7 energy centres). (blockages in the energy centres then blocking certain portions of the in-drawn light).
so in the end, working with energy is a concrete way of visualising thought patterns, but the thought patterns themselves are primary and first cause.
ie change thought patterns, then change experiential reality.
Everything is a manifestation of thought. Thought is simply a focus of attention. A focus of consciousness. Thoughts can be broad, general, and intangible, or they can be specific, local, and tangible. This determines whether it expresses as the consciousness we call "mind" or the consciousness we call "matter".
All form proceeds forth from the formless.