03-16-2010, 09:33 AM
(03-15-2010, 09:23 AM)Brad N Wrote: Morning Gemini Wolf.
Is your understanding that a burst rom the sun will envelope the earth and the compatible 4d positives will remain in esscence? I have often envisioned this and myself welcoming the heat and energy without fear or resistance as I have allways envited and basked in the energy of our sub-logos. Am I on track with this (superwave theory)?
I am not sure about how it all works. I've heard of it being a burst of gamma rays (that probably come along with higher density waves), and that there was some supernova that scientists saw.
Supposedly the Earth has been destroyed several times in the past. I'm not sure how this will affect us.
I've also read how it relates to the shroud that Jesus wore before he ascended after his death. To create that imprint on it, it would have taken a huge blast of x-rays or similar, that caused the DNA in his body to physically ascend.