03-10-2010, 10:06 AM
I was wondering if you have read the book Power vs Force by Dr. David Hawkins? He discusses emotion states and has a scale of emotions that might be helpful to you.
This is something that has helped me in my own balancing work. I have read many of your posts and don't feel as though I am in anyway qualified to help you simply because I have also been very confused by emotions or my lack of such through my life.
But I will pass along things that help me along the way and continue to read your posts for tips from your perspective...I hope that we can be of assistance to each other as we muddle through this difficult yet fascinating landscape of our emotional body.

This is something that has helped me in my own balancing work. I have read many of your posts and don't feel as though I am in anyway qualified to help you simply because I have also been very confused by emotions or my lack of such through my life.
But I will pass along things that help me along the way and continue to read your posts for tips from your perspective...I hope that we can be of assistance to each other as we muddle through this difficult yet fascinating landscape of our emotional body.
