05-20-2013, 04:29 AM
This is just one of a series of very interesting posts made by an 'insider'.
The entire thread can be found here.
Quote:Re: My experience on the moon, and coming events.
Sorry for being away so long my story has been interrupted by some rather extreme recent events.
I was taken to an area where where I had medical treatment for my difficulty adjusting to the frequencies here on earth being projected from the moon after being at the moon (to be specific the interior of it) Beause it's such an extreme shift and because some other events on the moon were going on at same time. It was decided that I had to go back there for a few days for not only further medical assistance but to address a major issue that had come up. My medical assistance was more just a side benifit in the scheme of things. I have a feeling I would not have lasted much longer however without the specialized treatment I recieved there.
sometimes things happen that you cannot fully predict and this was one of those accasions so I apologize.
We were very very very close, to having the Moon being taken away in recent days. There has been talk of the Moon Moving on to another area, out away from earth. As you can imagine this would be a dramatic shift and involve a certain process.
Firstly a systematic disolving of the Moons influence on earth as it would move away would change things dramatically beyond what you can imagine. This is because people do not realize what the true relationship has been to the moon and to the earth.
Scientifically, there is also major errors about any calculations on the effects of this, this is beause the moon is a multi-dimentional object, with much more potential than the ordinary scientist understands.
Now the reason for the talks of Moving the moon comes at the critical point of what to do on the ending on the mayan callender. Some on the Moon have said that it is time to let us go due to the increasing difficulty of supressing rebellion each cycle of civilization and that something even more extreme than the moon would need to be introduced as the species desire for independance grows.
Some had advised the most worthwhile thing to do is let our species go, while others want to continue to use the species but in new innovative ways.
The horrifying new development of those arguing to keep us under wraps further involves not just the introduction of a new upgraded "moon" but three of these upscaled even more complex 'frequency generators' interwined across the sky, introduce radically new vibrations to accomadate the new dimensional field the solar system is not entering into.
The worst of it would not be the three moons and the vibrations it would produce and effects on the earth. But they also plan something even I have never herd of before.
What they discussed seems to beyond a holographic system that is a code of operating that is outside of this present universal construct, that they have obtain from somewhere else (another universe or reality?) I know it's hard to make sense of this and I can't go into detail. But basically it is about preparing for our species integration of the holographic paradigm, so that by the time we move into this paradigm, they have already got in place a contruct that is so efficient and baffling that it is beyond the holographic, and hence yet another means to control the species further in new and different ways.
What worried me about this, is that it appears they are even more advance than I ever thought they were, and it's hit me hard because I didn't even know there was anything beyond the holographic so this is even new to me.
While they debated the policy of the 3 moons and new code they talked of the new civilizations system, and it was vastly different to this one. They talked of some of the failings of what they had done so far. including those that had manage to penetrate the moons influence and why they had managed it and how to prevent further uprisings. They talked of false illusionary time travel loops, and artifical identification intelligence (immitating people or persons souls, spiritual versions of identify theft strategies)
The idea was that we would believe we are in a new dimension, though we would just be in yet another bubble created by them, in a different dimensional field. I saw a larger pattern of manipulation than I ever thought possible and it was quite discouraging.
However there was some that didn't like this idea, that it was getting too deep and complex to be worthwhile, and they suggested we leave the entire project and create a new soul collective from a different solar system, to move on, and let our soul collective become more equal and neutral, remove the glass ceiling so to speak and let our solar system be due to it's moving into this particular area of the universe which is more charged in energy and depth and is increasingly so.
Although they agreed it was a drastic change they argued the creation of a new soul collective is less effort than keeping ou collective which they have 'guided' since they created our souls. (yes they created our souls, they are the god in the bible)
Since I have come to know these beings. I cannot say they are evil or good. I cannot say specifically what they are because they are so far beyond even my understanding that I cannot understand where they are coming from in mind. It's too comlex to make sense of. At times I will feel extreme love, and other times I feel something like someone would call is what satan would be, and pure terror. With these beings emotions are not like they are normally. They effect you in extreme ways. And yet they do not agree fully amongst themselves of what path exactly they themself are heading.
If they were to take the current moon away and replace it with the three others, the next stage would begin and this civilization would systematically dissolve in place of the new one.
If they decided to keep the moon here, it would eventually pass out of the sphere of existence because the energies in the soloarsystem are beginning to affect and neutralize the projections of this old moon.
Likewise the frequencies they create from saturn and the other planets, they are also morphing and dissolving and a decision has to be made on what to do next.
As it stands some of you may have already noticed the moons strange oddness some night, that are different to other nights. It sometimes appears closer, or further away, it does strange things that don't completely conform to what it should be doing and these things go un-noticed and or explained away. These are the beginning effects of it's dissolving. They had had to move the moon around and increasing adjust it's properties some nights, in order to adapt to new energies. Because the energy out their in the universe and not longer the same as it use to be as we move to a more charged location. (see my post about how the solar system and sun really move)
To cut a long story short. The favor was with letting us go, and leaving the moon to dissolve rather than the systematic integration of three ugraded objects or moons.
There is certain beings on the moon now that still do not agree with this decision, when this happens the thing they do is they use people on the earth to make the final decisions. Depending on which way we lean towards, will determine now our freedom or our introduction into a newly controlled even worse illusionary world than what we had before.
So far we are choosing the free road but we are still in a lot of danger because those up there with these big bold planns, some of them are extremely cunning and determine to implement what they think it best against all odds. But we have some that are working towards our free agency, which is partly dominating at this time. However time is running very short.
Closely observe the moon and you will see it's increasing instability. The sun wil also be doing strange things. These are the end days that are written of in the bible and other prophecies.
I did not plan to reveal things this way and I cannot tell of every little detail of my recent experience when I have not eve begun to tell of my first experience at the moon. Which is what I planned to speak of. But this post is just an update on why I have been away.
I could only answer a few specific good questions if more details is wanted about this.
For now I must very soon in the following weeks, clear up my experiences on the moon, and reveal to you the true nature of the moon, and the being on it and what they are doing with us, how they relate to us, and so forth.
This is all I have time for and due to the uncertaintly of the future and my now revitalized condition I may even be called back.
I gave the beings on the moon the full reports that they needed and my personal assessment of my perspective along with several others in our society.
Remember this thread is just a polite notice to those with a open mind and not a formal disclosure. The disclosure will happen upon the integration of the results by that time we will know for certain if we are heading towards the new type of subservience or for the very first time in our souls existence, to neutral freedom to create and be ourself. Which is an extremely exciting thing, But the possibility of further more complex subservience I'm afraid is a terrifying prospect.
Those who know this is true, I hope I have being informative to the extent that I could be for this brief notice.
Those who are skeptical or want something more 'new' or some kind of better results. I can only tell you the truth of my experience.
Stay tuned shortly for the de-briefing on my experience at the moon the time before, so you know fully what is going on. I'm sorry but i find it hard to explain something so complex like this. All in one go I don't have all night to type away at it and summarizing doesn't do it justice, and you just can't understand correctly that way.
If you want evidence. Best thing you can do is proerly track and closely observe the moon stars and sun, track what they have done recently. If you are smart enough to do this you should be a professional, but you will no doubt see they are not conforming to regular ideas about what they should be doing.
This is because time, and space is changing. Those who are sensitive will already feel time has been different than what it was merely a month ago.
The entire thread can be found here.