I'll post more thoughts in a bit. But for now, I can make one recommendation:
If you are new to crystals, pick up a quartz crystal cluster (a bunch of quartz crystals still embedded into the rock). I'd recommend clear quartz, or smokey quartz. Amethyst clusters could work, I personally have no experience with them however.
Quartz Crystal Clusters are good for beginning your journey in exploring crystals because:
(1) They are very powerful. My 6 inch radius quartz cluster seems to have a radius of somewhere of 5-10 feet. Great for room clearing. And for getting interesting dreams since you can put them beside the bedside. You can hold a cluster near an energy center and usually feel the energy, so it's great if you are just learning to be energy sensitive.
(2) They are self-energizing. That means they seem ground and revitalize their own energy. Not as quick as using an active method, but unless you put them in a courtroom or some other place with a lot of crazy emotion, they will usually operate optimally without continual energizing and cleansing.
(3) Quartz is the most common crystal in the earth's surface, and it seems to have the least discomforting effects upon people as it works. Perhaps because it's so common, we're used to some about of quartz fields. I personally can say that I, as well as number of other people, have felt discomfort upon using other crystals (blue tourmaline feels like someone took a clamp to my energy centers -it seems to balance my energy centers by making all of them as dim as the dimmest partially open one lol!), but seldom have I heard problems with quartz.
If you are new to crystals, pick up a quartz crystal cluster (a bunch of quartz crystals still embedded into the rock). I'd recommend clear quartz, or smokey quartz. Amethyst clusters could work, I personally have no experience with them however.
Quartz Crystal Clusters are good for beginning your journey in exploring crystals because:
(1) They are very powerful. My 6 inch radius quartz cluster seems to have a radius of somewhere of 5-10 feet. Great for room clearing. And for getting interesting dreams since you can put them beside the bedside. You can hold a cluster near an energy center and usually feel the energy, so it's great if you are just learning to be energy sensitive.
(2) They are self-energizing. That means they seem ground and revitalize their own energy. Not as quick as using an active method, but unless you put them in a courtroom or some other place with a lot of crazy emotion, they will usually operate optimally without continual energizing and cleansing.
(3) Quartz is the most common crystal in the earth's surface, and it seems to have the least discomforting effects upon people as it works. Perhaps because it's so common, we're used to some about of quartz fields. I personally can say that I, as well as number of other people, have felt discomfort upon using other crystals (blue tourmaline feels like someone took a clamp to my energy centers -it seems to balance my energy centers by making all of them as dim as the dimmest partially open one lol!), but seldom have I heard problems with quartz.