When she is telling stories:
A while ago I woke up in the middle of the night and was completely awake consciously, but what happened next is that the unconscious mind started to tell stories in a very clear way about the self. It was like a dialogue between her, the unconscious mind, and him, the Magician, the conscious mind. And "I", the observer of this dialogue, was quiet and listening (perhaps this "observer" was the Significator of the Mind, the Hierophant, who was interested in this dialogue?).
The dialogue between these two in that alternative state of mind was something like: she said something true about myself, and the Magician replied more often than not: "Nooooo! That's not true!" To which she replied: "Yes, it is. Look!" And then she showed me situations from my life where it was clear cut that it was indeed true. The Magician then felt it and understood, no matter how inconvenient it was, or how much he *didn't* want to see or understand it. This procedure repeated about many aspects of my self. This continued for about 3-4 hours.
4 weeks ago now, I made *the* Choice, and I experienced that Archetype in my own personal and unique way; here too Significator played a little role or part of this process. It was He who made the Choice, in a second.
So, now I am trying to grasp the Transformation of the Mind Archetype. But as Ra says: "The conscious entity holds both and will turn itself one way or the other or, potentially, backwards and forwards, rocking first one way then the other and not achieving the transformation." So, this is a process that takes place and time for me now... The conscious entity will turn itself one way ot the other, backwards and forwards, rocking one way then the other...
What this Archetype is about for me is: "The right-hand and left-hand transformations of the mind may be seen to differ by *the attitude of the conscious mind towards its own resources as well as the resources of other-selves*." I understand this to be the core of this Archetype.
The unconscious mind has many stories to tell about the self, which Magician does *not* want to listen to. He has determined and firm opinions about what is appropriate and what's not, and every time she is trying to tell him something which is in conflict with this, he is not listening.
One can compare it perhaps to a situation where we meet a very challenging person for instance who is prejudiced or in some other way very limited, and very difficult to listen to, who is challenging. And we want to tell this person about the opposite of what he is telling us, how this person is wrong etc, but s/he does *not* want to listen. His/hers mind is already set. And this is something I experience now is happening in regards to this Archetype of the transformation of the mind.
She, the unconscious mind, has many stories to tell about the self, and these stories are not something that Magician always wants to hear. An instant reaction to stories which are inconvenient is to turn my back on them, dismissing them as being "not true". But they are... And here is where patience and love comes into the picture. In order for her to tell stories in an honest way and reveal herself, the Magician needs to be quiet and patiently *listen*, letting her to tell everything without interrupting her.
This can also be seen in a relationship between two mates perhaps, where a mate in order to be completely understood, needs to be listened to without judgement, interruption, and with greatest interest and respect; *a genuine desire to be understood*. If the mate who is listening doing it without jumping into conclusions, assumptions and interruptions, the other mate gets a chance to tell everything, especially if shown interest and respect.
And she can't be tricked or forced in any way, if following the positive path. When she removes her veil and starts telling stories, as soon as the Magician interrupts her in *any* way, she puts on the veil again and gets quiet. Only with patience and total silence and genuine interest she reveals herself.
Her light is very bright though, and can sometimes be indeed too bright, or intensive to be in.
A while ago I woke up in the middle of the night and was completely awake consciously, but what happened next is that the unconscious mind started to tell stories in a very clear way about the self. It was like a dialogue between her, the unconscious mind, and him, the Magician, the conscious mind. And "I", the observer of this dialogue, was quiet and listening (perhaps this "observer" was the Significator of the Mind, the Hierophant, who was interested in this dialogue?).
The dialogue between these two in that alternative state of mind was something like: she said something true about myself, and the Magician replied more often than not: "Nooooo! That's not true!" To which she replied: "Yes, it is. Look!" And then she showed me situations from my life where it was clear cut that it was indeed true. The Magician then felt it and understood, no matter how inconvenient it was, or how much he *didn't* want to see or understand it. This procedure repeated about many aspects of my self. This continued for about 3-4 hours.
4 weeks ago now, I made *the* Choice, and I experienced that Archetype in my own personal and unique way; here too Significator played a little role or part of this process. It was He who made the Choice, in a second.
So, now I am trying to grasp the Transformation of the Mind Archetype. But as Ra says: "The conscious entity holds both and will turn itself one way or the other or, potentially, backwards and forwards, rocking first one way then the other and not achieving the transformation." So, this is a process that takes place and time for me now... The conscious entity will turn itself one way ot the other, backwards and forwards, rocking one way then the other...
What this Archetype is about for me is: "The right-hand and left-hand transformations of the mind may be seen to differ by *the attitude of the conscious mind towards its own resources as well as the resources of other-selves*." I understand this to be the core of this Archetype.
The unconscious mind has many stories to tell about the self, which Magician does *not* want to listen to. He has determined and firm opinions about what is appropriate and what's not, and every time she is trying to tell him something which is in conflict with this, he is not listening.
One can compare it perhaps to a situation where we meet a very challenging person for instance who is prejudiced or in some other way very limited, and very difficult to listen to, who is challenging. And we want to tell this person about the opposite of what he is telling us, how this person is wrong etc, but s/he does *not* want to listen. His/hers mind is already set. And this is something I experience now is happening in regards to this Archetype of the transformation of the mind.
She, the unconscious mind, has many stories to tell about the self, and these stories are not something that Magician always wants to hear. An instant reaction to stories which are inconvenient is to turn my back on them, dismissing them as being "not true". But they are... And here is where patience and love comes into the picture. In order for her to tell stories in an honest way and reveal herself, the Magician needs to be quiet and patiently *listen*, letting her to tell everything without interrupting her.
This can also be seen in a relationship between two mates perhaps, where a mate in order to be completely understood, needs to be listened to without judgement, interruption, and with greatest interest and respect; *a genuine desire to be understood*. If the mate who is listening doing it without jumping into conclusions, assumptions and interruptions, the other mate gets a chance to tell everything, especially if shown interest and respect.
And she can't be tricked or forced in any way, if following the positive path. When she removes her veil and starts telling stories, as soon as the Magician interrupts her in *any* way, she puts on the veil again and gets quiet. Only with patience and total silence and genuine interest she reveals herself.
Her light is very bright though, and can sometimes be indeed too bright, or intensive to be in.