03-06-2010, 01:24 AM
(02-27-2010, 01:58 PM)Peregrinus Wrote: Here is a list of the seven lower chakras. These have to do with the negative side of oneself.
Atala: The first lower chakra, located at the hips, governs the state of mind called fear, which is truly a bottomless abyss. Someone in this consciousness fears death, fears life, even fears God and other people. This center is also the home of lust and promiscuity.
Vitala: Here anger predominates, and burning resentment. Anger comes from despair, confusion, frustration or lack of understanding. People in the consciousness of this chakra, centered in the thigh, are always wrathful, mad at the world, even angry at God.
Sutala: This chakra, found in the knees, governs jealousy, wanting what one can't have. Jealousy is a feeling of inadequacy, inferiority and helplessness. People in sutala consciousness covet everything, often deny the existence of God and are contentiously.
Talatala: Prolonged confusion dominates here, giving rise to instinctive willfulness: to get rather than to give, to push around and pursue materialistic advancement over all else. Greed and deceit prevail in this dog-eat-dog state of mind.
Rasatala: This chakra of the ankles in the true home of the animal nature. Unmitigated selfishness prevails, of the seeing to the well-being of "number one" first. Jealousy, anger and fear are intense, even in high states of consciousness.
Mahatala: This is the realm of consciousles-ness, or inner blindness to the effect of one's actions, of negativity and deep depression. Those living in this chakra of the feet steal free, taking what they justify as theirs anyway, feeling the world "owes them a living."
Patala: Here, in the soles of the feet, is the abode of the destructiveness, revenge, murder and hatred expressed through harming the properties, minds, emotions and bodies of others. Reason seldom achieves this state of mind.
Strange text indeed! Never heard of these! The lines above look like a close description of my landlady! I prefer not to elaborate ... but it is an almost exact description of her behaviour. Her aura is dark grey, as well as the aura of her husband and son, especially when they are together. They seems to have that dark grey cloud all over them, emanating from them. The 'Patala' is definitly present in them!
Thank you for posting these Peregrinus.
Just imagine me responding to the persons harbouring such negative feelings, actions and demands, in my usual way of patience, service, love, respect for differences and compassion (but without any sense of 'sacrifice', 'martyrdom' or 'feeling of victimisation', the three not being part of my solid goodness of temper; I am rather on the peaceful/joyful/creative side) and, you are presented with my last 19 years as a tenant in UK.
Anyway, they seem to have fade in the background of our life, lately, which is rather a good thing so, it cannot be a good idea, I am sure, to remember these people and their choice of life, even when they are still our landlords - a misnomer indeed for the term implies a elevation that is lacking in the persons mentionned -, I should say instead, the 'owners of the house we are renting'.
They fading away as far as possible is good!

Are you or some of you noticing as I do, that the negative people in our life are fading away?