02-08-2009, 04:59 PM
Wonderful! The physics of Larson, since discussed in the Law of One, is something I have really been wanting to learn about, but I haven’t the technical knowledge or the patience to sit through his entire works (yet). I love reading about quantum theory and chaos and systems theories and the holographic universe model, but when it comes to all these theories, I mainly am after what it really means, metaphysically, and not so much the specifics and mathematics of it all. So, I was very happy to read your explanation which made sense of it, and perhaps I can use that as a basis for further reading it myself.
So, first of all, how does or could this relate to those other theories, particularly quantum mechanics and holographic-universe theories? Does it blow them out of the water, or simply put a different spin on them? How about Bell’s Theorum? Action at a distance anyone? I've found that the holographic model makes things like Ra's creating the pyramids from nothing much more believable. How might these be compatible?
Also, what might it mean that the study of vibrations will lead to a deeper and more all-encompassing RST? It sounds like Ra is talking about cymatics, which is a fascinating subject in and of itself. How could cymatics add to RST? Any thoughts? What are the “n” dimensions?
I’m very interested in getting this discussion going, there will be a lot for all of us to learn. I will try to read some of the RST stuff when and if I have time, I’m pretty busy with school.
So, first of all, how does or could this relate to those other theories, particularly quantum mechanics and holographic-universe theories? Does it blow them out of the water, or simply put a different spin on them? How about Bell’s Theorum? Action at a distance anyone? I've found that the holographic model makes things like Ra's creating the pyramids from nothing much more believable. How might these be compatible?
Also, what might it mean that the study of vibrations will lead to a deeper and more all-encompassing RST? It sounds like Ra is talking about cymatics, which is a fascinating subject in and of itself. How could cymatics add to RST? Any thoughts? What are the “n” dimensions?
I’m very interested in getting this discussion going, there will be a lot for all of us to learn. I will try to read some of the RST stuff when and if I have time, I’m pretty busy with school.