03-21-2013, 02:51 PM
Quote:Here, keep in mind that your Moon is really a vast artificial orb that was created, originally, to be the protector of the planet you call 'Maldek'. Today, Maldek is just an asteroid belt that exists between Mars and Jupiter. In former times, it was an Earth-like world nearly 29,000 miles (46,690 kilometers) in diameter, which, for over one million years, served as the "Dark" Anchara Alliance's Headquarters. Galactic Federation forces later destroyed this Planet, in order to re-colonize your Solar System. Much later, forces loyal to Atlantis put your Moon in its present position in order to attack and destroy Lemuria. The Moon has a number of important capabilities. First, it can control your global weather patterns, as well as your Planet's electrical and magnetic grids. Second, it can control the rate of movement of Earth's tectonic plates, as well as the degree of up-welling of the mantle's molten materials. In short, it is a device that can easily manipulate your environment. Third, the Moon can regulate the amount of life-giving energies that travel from the Sun to the Earth.
Source: http://www.thenewearth.org/GalacticFeder...chive.html