ive been reading up on vitamin c lately and it has been reported that large doses of vitamin c have shown to be more effective that chemo. intravenous. that would be the way to go imho throw in large amounts of pycnognenal and i think that would be at the very least helpful. of course if u continue to throw garbage into your body that would impeded the healing process. and i agree with pickle i think cancer would be a call to examine all things in our lives not just our diet.
and i think cancer takes a long time to manifest. a long time. so when we engage it we are dealing with the effects of maybe 30 years of living a certain way. at least in a lot of cases not all of course.
and i think cancer takes a long time to manifest. a long time. so when we engage it we are dealing with the effects of maybe 30 years of living a certain way. at least in a lot of cases not all of course.