03-01-2013, 01:05 PM
(03-01-2013, 07:57 AM)plenum Wrote: if I have one weakness or defect impeding my learning, it is holding steadfast to this idea that "I want to do it on my own, and not ask for help from others". This is a point of pride, and really does not acknowledge the many and unique gifts of others.
LOL. I feel the same ;-) Maybe for me it also an issue of trust. There is so much stuff out there that one can get lost pretty quickly in all of it. And I am often not so sure about the motives of others and why they present the information they present. I know we should look at the message, not the messenger, but usually I simply suspect some kind of hidden motif behind the action of others and that they want to make me believe what they say. And as I wonder what their motives might be I become cautious. I know this is also reflecting back to me that I probably don't have a lot of trust in myself either (the world as a mirror). And this is a quite dangerous situation. Because if we don't trust ourselves and place all our trust in others, we become dependent, we give our power away (like to governments, channelers, Ascended Masters, Angels, and what have you) and may end up in a minds prison, just like in the movie "The Matrix", but voluntarily.