02-14-2013, 11:40 PM
(02-14-2013, 07:00 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Reverse osmosis and distilled waters are both very acidic, oxidizing, and devoid of minerals. I almost died from drinking distilled water. It can leach minerals out of the body. Some say that's not true, but I know from experience it is true.
can you talk a bit more about this Monica? I always love hearing personal stories; nothing beats real experience

I remember when I was in the final years of high school, and then bottled spring water was all the fad. I bought into it being rather naive at the time, and I definitely noticed it caused imbalances in my body. It was quite noticable instead of drinking tap water or whatever, when I finished a meal with one of those "Evian" or other brand name labels.
whether it was the plastic or what-not, I don't know.
but I kept drinking it because I bought into the fad; ignoring the evidence and feedback my body was providing me.
and then I moved onto the distilled water etc etc