(02-25-2010, 08:08 AM)Aaron Wrote: It was so necessary for our evolution, and I think that it may even be necessary now. If one had no ego, no ability to chatter, how would he even know who he is? How would he function, society or no society? How would he know when to eat or how to stay safe if he can't define himself in the first place? However, what happens when one "wakes up" and detaches the living self from the ego now that it is no longer needed?
OK. Before I respond specifically I would like to add what I got this morning. "When we are able to keep the chattering mind in the background then it increases our effectiveness in consuming the catalyst. As now we can see the problem more directly with fresh sets of eyes. And not judge it based upon any restricted notions from the past or expectations from the future. Without the fear and/or greed swaying us in a set programmed response."
OK, Now coming specifically to your comments. Ego is much misused word but I take it as personality in this context. The smaller, restricted self. What happens when the samller self is shut off? One will just be "ONE". One with the environment and higher self. Then there is not duality and double guessing. The trust and knowing is so ingrained that things just flow out of you. One moment leading to another spontaneously and always right. I think the energies are present right now to push for that phase in human evolution to do just that. And this time it would not be just one buddha or one jesus. It would be a whole bunch of folks living that way in the 4D. coming soon baby...
All the how questions are again coming from the insecure mind as it tries to figure out all the answers ( I am not passing judgment, I have the same mind) But all the answers will be based upon the past. As chattering mind is nothing but the collection of ideas and expectations from the past. New moment will not look anything like the past and no answers can be supplied. No answers can really be understood by the chatttttttering mind/ 3 D mind or call it the physical mind.