Cancer can be cured with diet. Dr. Max Gerson discovered and documented that both diet and detoxification cured cancer in terminally ill patients who had been sent home to die by the mainstream medical community. There are several documentaries on the topic. I recommend starting with "The Beautiful Truth".
This is hard for some to believe, but as one who, prior to reawakening and discovering The Law of One, studied how insidious corporatism in its pursuit of wealth has become, it is quite easy to see how many areas of our lives have been hijacked by the service to self meme. It is a crime against humanity that it is illegal to treat cancer and other diseases with natural medicine. Do not be surprised at how many lies you have been told. Lying gives power over others, as does large amounts of money, so it should not be surprising that both are two of the primary tools of the left hand path.
The processed food we eat is killing us. Large corporations profit from selling you things that make you sick, and other corporations profit from "managing" the illnesses. Pharmaceutical companies exist because you cannot patent the plants that the Creator freely gave us.
All is the Creator, all is Love. Should it be surprising that one can cure their third density vehicle by ingesting the proper portions of the Divine body in the correct amounts? Are you surprised that the unadulterated second density entities harvested from our Mother Earth are far better for us than anything made in a factory by our own hands? As above, so below. Our way of life is out of balance, spiritually and physically, as if the two were separable.
Love and light, brothers and sisters. There is more truth and a much larger life available to us in this density than we realize. Seek the Creator in all things, including that which you choose to put into your body.
This is hard for some to believe, but as one who, prior to reawakening and discovering The Law of One, studied how insidious corporatism in its pursuit of wealth has become, it is quite easy to see how many areas of our lives have been hijacked by the service to self meme. It is a crime against humanity that it is illegal to treat cancer and other diseases with natural medicine. Do not be surprised at how many lies you have been told. Lying gives power over others, as does large amounts of money, so it should not be surprising that both are two of the primary tools of the left hand path.
The processed food we eat is killing us. Large corporations profit from selling you things that make you sick, and other corporations profit from "managing" the illnesses. Pharmaceutical companies exist because you cannot patent the plants that the Creator freely gave us.
All is the Creator, all is Love. Should it be surprising that one can cure their third density vehicle by ingesting the proper portions of the Divine body in the correct amounts? Are you surprised that the unadulterated second density entities harvested from our Mother Earth are far better for us than anything made in a factory by our own hands? As above, so below. Our way of life is out of balance, spiritually and physically, as if the two were separable.
Love and light, brothers and sisters. There is more truth and a much larger life available to us in this density than we realize. Seek the Creator in all things, including that which you choose to put into your body.