(05-29-2010, 07:56 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:Quote:RA: You must see the Earth as being 7 planets. There is red, orange, yellow, and there will soon be a completed green color vibratory locus for 4th density entities which they will call Earth. DURING THE 4TH DENSITY EXPERIENCE, THE 3RD DENSITY SPHERE IS NOT USEFUL FOR HABITATION, (i.e. by 3rd density beings) because the early 4th density entity will not know precisely how to remain undetectable by 3rd density. Thus in 4th density the red, orange and green energy nexi (centers) of your planet will be activated while the yellow is in potentiation along with blue and indigo.
Ra and Quo said we are harvest at the struck of the clock, circa 2011. And that harvest in undetectable at a physical level. Only after natural death we go to repeat 3D or STO4d or STS4d. Naturally we did not saw anything special happening in 2011 or 2012.
Both said 3d is incompatible with 4d. 3D cannot gradually transform into 4d!
When 4d is active, 3 d must be unpopulated. Therefore all remaining 3d humans must die entirely, within the next the 100-700 transition period.
What happens and when it happens is unknown. But it will be a global wipe-up at worse, or at best a gradual die-down until no one remains, or a sudden cut end.
This might happen anytime between now and 2700. So its a big time interval.
Nothing of this really matters, because we can't figure out what our harvest really is, since it only becomes visible after death.
Another interesting factor is that we are 75% STS, 25% STO in general. Its very difficult to be 51% STO.
At least I am honest with me. I try to live according to my heart, but sadly I feel more STS than STO. The overall physical body of a human, and the human civilization itself makes us largely 3d STS, even if we aspire otherwise.
There is nothing else to do, except behaving and being natural and as best as we feel we can be. This itself is a great task and challenge.