12-26-2012, 01:53 PM
For me it was on the first gate the 12/12 that i felt the intense energies, that have since pretty much stayed the same since the 21st
The first day it was like that feeling you get being a kid waiting to go into the playground while you are in line at discovery zone..
Then you get past the line and there are all these things to do and you aren't sure which one to do just yet.
As I started to absorb the energies, I felt it was important to look up some channelings to see if there were any specific instructions from the confederation or otherwise.
It was noted that we have to meditate and visualize the new energies being assimilated into us. In doing so our bodies vibration would raise to match the 4th density energies.
While I can attest to the same situation in that I was expecting something grander, I was expecting first contact to happen before the 21st, so the ets could help us ascend. it is of my determination that ascension is a gradual process that one must train to reach Otherwise everyone would be able to ascend. After reading many things about the mayans attempts to ascend, they went to 4D then came back, then went to 4d again and then came back the first couple of times, they were trying to just get their feet wet.
I have noticed a very different and lighter energy around and within me. For the first time I'm able to channel and recieve messages from spirit. I've never heard anything from beings before, and on the 21st I asked the confederation. where the hell are you, is ascension even happening? Are you even watching us to see the lack of what we thought would happen?
They were very cryptic and all they said was that we love you and that we are always here with you. Sounds like something my guides would have said. Minus all the sarcasm my guides would have added.
Which brings me to another point, I've been slowly becoming more and more receptive to messages from angels and my higher self and my guides. Also the rate at which I get messages is a direct response to my choices and actions in the physical. Usually I'll have a sign the 2nd after I think it or I will have something happen a couple of minutes later. The fact is spirit is doing everything it can to get and keep my attention so there is something afoot here. We need to keep our vibrations up for our bodies to get used to the new energy. If there was ever a time to choose between fear and love, it is this time, especially the time that was long prophesized, so many of us chose fear over love when we didn't get the sudden poof ascension that we wanted to just get the f*** out of here..
I agree with godwide. How could we be unconditional love if we just get out of here and leave to go on some galactic adventures. Those adventures aren't going anywhere, but right now our Earth is going somewhere. Sure I can't see it, but my intuitive side... my spidey sense goes crazy at least once a day now. Yesterday I was able to be an anchor of some sort.
My roomate got into a car accident and almost lost his life, meanwhile other friends were feeling under the weather, everyone was either sick or tired on christmas.
Guys I have reason to believe this is just the first couple of steps into the new age. Never has there been a time where no matter what I go through I am able to sense the futility of trying to treat life as reality when it is just an illusion and a ride. So instead of being overcome by grief I find myself going into my meditation zone to feel love and gratitude for being here instead. The day I decided not to do this, which was last weekend I got 666 in my bank account.
I looked it up and it said you are neglecting your spiritual duties and are being too overtaken by material and physical goods and posessions. Yea totally, after the 21st i thought this is stupid so f*** it all... but even so I am unable to let go of my attachment to the creator and all that I have learned thus far. To throw it all away is like trying to pretend I can go back to sleep when I know it's not possible. Even talking to other people and hearing of their problems I frequently get pissed off and I think why this problem is so easy to solve, it's up to you right now, not tomorrow not yesterday.
All these changes have been changing me on a level where I can not hold normal conversations, and I am unable to talk about anything without relating it back to catalyst, karma, and growth. Topics that scare anyone else who is uninitiated.
I believe that you godwide have not had very unique experiences because I'm here saying I'm going through the same thing more or less. I also think it's a very strange truman show effect going on with the confederation ships above us but cloaked... I keep asking when are you coming down to meet us.
I don't want to hear about tomorrow or yesterday I want to hear if it is going to happen now or not. Even the channelings and various things floating around are becoming irrelevant if for nothing else but updates on the situation apart from the very specific instructions given on meditating with the new 4D energies
The first day it was like that feeling you get being a kid waiting to go into the playground while you are in line at discovery zone..
Then you get past the line and there are all these things to do and you aren't sure which one to do just yet.
As I started to absorb the energies, I felt it was important to look up some channelings to see if there were any specific instructions from the confederation or otherwise.
It was noted that we have to meditate and visualize the new energies being assimilated into us. In doing so our bodies vibration would raise to match the 4th density energies.
While I can attest to the same situation in that I was expecting something grander, I was expecting first contact to happen before the 21st, so the ets could help us ascend. it is of my determination that ascension is a gradual process that one must train to reach Otherwise everyone would be able to ascend. After reading many things about the mayans attempts to ascend, they went to 4D then came back, then went to 4d again and then came back the first couple of times, they were trying to just get their feet wet.
I have noticed a very different and lighter energy around and within me. For the first time I'm able to channel and recieve messages from spirit. I've never heard anything from beings before, and on the 21st I asked the confederation. where the hell are you, is ascension even happening? Are you even watching us to see the lack of what we thought would happen?
They were very cryptic and all they said was that we love you and that we are always here with you. Sounds like something my guides would have said. Minus all the sarcasm my guides would have added.
Which brings me to another point, I've been slowly becoming more and more receptive to messages from angels and my higher self and my guides. Also the rate at which I get messages is a direct response to my choices and actions in the physical. Usually I'll have a sign the 2nd after I think it or I will have something happen a couple of minutes later. The fact is spirit is doing everything it can to get and keep my attention so there is something afoot here. We need to keep our vibrations up for our bodies to get used to the new energy. If there was ever a time to choose between fear and love, it is this time, especially the time that was long prophesized, so many of us chose fear over love when we didn't get the sudden poof ascension that we wanted to just get the f*** out of here..
I agree with godwide. How could we be unconditional love if we just get out of here and leave to go on some galactic adventures. Those adventures aren't going anywhere, but right now our Earth is going somewhere. Sure I can't see it, but my intuitive side... my spidey sense goes crazy at least once a day now. Yesterday I was able to be an anchor of some sort.
My roomate got into a car accident and almost lost his life, meanwhile other friends were feeling under the weather, everyone was either sick or tired on christmas.
Guys I have reason to believe this is just the first couple of steps into the new age. Never has there been a time where no matter what I go through I am able to sense the futility of trying to treat life as reality when it is just an illusion and a ride. So instead of being overcome by grief I find myself going into my meditation zone to feel love and gratitude for being here instead. The day I decided not to do this, which was last weekend I got 666 in my bank account.
I looked it up and it said you are neglecting your spiritual duties and are being too overtaken by material and physical goods and posessions. Yea totally, after the 21st i thought this is stupid so f*** it all... but even so I am unable to let go of my attachment to the creator and all that I have learned thus far. To throw it all away is like trying to pretend I can go back to sleep when I know it's not possible. Even talking to other people and hearing of their problems I frequently get pissed off and I think why this problem is so easy to solve, it's up to you right now, not tomorrow not yesterday.
All these changes have been changing me on a level where I can not hold normal conversations, and I am unable to talk about anything without relating it back to catalyst, karma, and growth. Topics that scare anyone else who is uninitiated.
I believe that you godwide have not had very unique experiences because I'm here saying I'm going through the same thing more or less. I also think it's a very strange truman show effect going on with the confederation ships above us but cloaked... I keep asking when are you coming down to meet us.
I don't want to hear about tomorrow or yesterday I want to hear if it is going to happen now or not. Even the channelings and various things floating around are becoming irrelevant if for nothing else but updates on the situation apart from the very specific instructions given on meditating with the new 4D energies